
Indian Navy: Pakistanis raised slogan of Hindustan Zindabad

Indian Navy: The Indian Navy has once again raised its flag against Somalian pirates. Indian Navy has once again saved the lives of Pakistani fishermen from the clutches of pirates. Yesterday i.e. on Friday, the Indian Navy rescued the Iranian fishing vessel Al Kanbar and its 23 Pakistani crew from the clutches of pirates in the Arabian Sea. Actually, armed robbers had captured the Iranian ship. Pakistani citizens aboard the ship have expressed gratitude to the Indian Navy.

Pakistanis raised slogans of Bharat Zindabad

Pakistani citizens have expressed gratitude to the Indian Navy after being freed from the clutches of pirates. After the investigation by the Indian Navy, everyone raised slogans of Hindustan Zindabad. It is noteworthy that even before this the Indian Navy had protected Pakistani and Iranian citizens from the clutches of pirates.

Indian Navy provided medical facilities to Pakistani citizens

The Indian Navy first forced 9 armed pirates to surrender. After this, expert teams of the Indian Navy examined FV Al-Kambar. At the same time, after checking the boat to continue fishing activities, the Navy conducted a thorough medical examination of the 23 rescued Pakistani nationals. At the same time, the Indian Navy is bringing all the nine pirates to India for further legal action under the Anti-Piracy Act 2022.

The robbers had taken Pakistani citizens hostage

According to media reports, Iran’s ship named Al Kambar had gone into the Arabian Sea. There were also 23 Pakistani citizens on board the ship’s crew. Meanwhile, pirates attacked the ship. Also captured him. When the Indian Navy got information about the incident, it started trying to rescue the hijacked ship. Indian Navy attacked the pirates through INS Sumedha. Indian Navy used Trishul missile.

Navy controlled the robbers in 12 hours

The Indian Navy overpowered the robbers after fighting with them for about 12 hours. All nine Somalian pirates surrendered before the Indian Navy. After this, the Indian Navy freed all 23 Pakistani citizens from the clutches of the robbers and conducted their health checkup.

Pakistan is being disgraced

The Indian Navy is making waves in the countries of the world. Indian Navy’s campaign against pirates is not only saving the lives of innocent people. Rather, the prestige of the Indian Navy has started gaining momentum in many countries of the world. At the same time, Pakistan is being disgraced in its own country. Pakistani people themselves are cursing their army and government, which did not take any steps to protect their citizens. Left them at the mercy of robbers.

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