
India-China Border Row: China again claims Arunachal

India-China Border Row: China is not refraining from its statements regarding Arunachal Pradesh. Despite India’s blunt words, Dragon is continuously claiming Arunachal Pradesh. In this series, China once again claimed on Monday that Arunachal Pradesh is its part. However, after the statement from China, India rejected Beijing’s claim as absurd and ridiculous.

Chinese spokesperson gave statement

Today i.e. on Monday, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian, while expressing his reaction to the recent remarks of Foreign Minister S Jaishankar, reiterated China’s claim on Arunachal Pradesh. It is noteworthy that this is not the first time that China has expressed its claim on Arunachal Pradesh. Even before this, he had many times described Arunachal Pradesh as a part of China. However, India has rejected his claim every time.

China’s claims are absurd from the beginning – S Jaishankar

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, while delivering his lecture at the prestigious Institute of South Asian Studies of the National University of Singapore, in response to a question related to the issue of Arunachal Pradesh, said that this is not a new issue. He said that China has made the claim and has taken it forward. External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said that these claims were absurd in the beginning and they remain absurd even today. Arunachal Pradesh is an integral part of India. Jaishankar said that I think we have been very clear on this and we have had a uniform stand.

China claimed for the fourth time

While replying to a question from the government media on Jaishankar’s comments, Lin said that there has never been a consensus on the border issue between India and China. Lin claimed that Jangnan (China’s official name for Arunachal Pradesh) was part of China before it was illegally annexed by India. He said that China has always had effective administration in this area. The spokesperson claimed that India created the so-called Arunachal Pradesh in 1987 on illegally occupied territory. This is the fourth time this month that China has expressed its claim on Arunachal Pradesh. with language input

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