
India Canada Relations: Is Canada promoting Khalistani terrorists “from behind”?

India Canada Relations: Pro-Khalistani elements have been “working independently” from Canadian soil for nearly 50 years under the guise of notions like ‘freedom of expression’ and ‘political support’, but Canada is facing threats, intimidation, intimidation by these terrorists. Maintains “complete silence” when it comes to violence and drug trafficking. News agency PTI has given this news quoting sources. Sources said that Air India’s flight Kanishk was bombed by Khalistani extremists in 1985 and it was one of the biggest terrorist attacks in the world even before the September 11, 2001 attacks in America. He said that due to the apparent “indifference” of Canadian agencies, the main accused in the attack, Talwinder Singh Parmar, and his group of Khalistani extremists escaped unharmed. If sources are to be believed, the irony is that Parmar is now the hero of pro-Khalistan terrorists in Canada and the banned group ‘Sikh for Justice’ has also named its campaign center after Parmar. In the last few years, Khalistani terrorists’ “morality has become higher” and they have started operating from Canada “without any fear”.

Sources said that more than half of the terrorism cases reported in Punjab in the last decade have been found to be linked to Canada-based Khalistani terrorists. He said that after 2016, many murders targeting Sikhs, Hindus and Christians in Punjab were the work of Khalistani terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar, whose murder has created a dispute between India and Canada. Sources said Canadian agencies allegedly never initiated any investigation against Nijjar and his friends Bhagat Singh Brar, Perry Dulai, Arsh Dalla, Lakhbir Landa and several others. Despite the pile of dead bodies in Punjab, he remains a “political activist”.

Huge losses due to extortion gangs

He said Punjab today is suffering huge losses due to extortion gangs run from Canada and ‘North American’ gangsters based in the country bring narcotics from Pakistan through drones and sell them across Punjab. He said that a part of this money goes to Khalistani terrorists in Canada. In Canada too, many pro-Khalistani terrorists are part of the drug trade and rivalry between different gangster gangs of Punjab is now common in Canada. Let us discuss here that pro-India Sikh leader Ripudaman Singh Malik was murdered in Surrey, Canada in 2022 and many people say that Nijjar was behind this murder, but Canadian agencies have failed to find the culprits and establish the real conspiracy. Allegedly no promptness was shown in exposing the matter. In this case, only two local people were made accused, who were not of Indian origin.

Pro-India Sikhs thrown out of many big Gurudwaras in Canada

Sources said the “backward promotion” of Khalistanis ensured that moderate and pro-India Sikhs were thrown out of many major gurdwaras in Canada, using the power and money power of pro-Khalistan terrorists. Emboldened by their “growing influence” in Canada, pro-Khalistan extremists began openly intimidating minority Indian Hindus there and defacing their temples. He said that openly threatening Indian missions and diplomats by Khalistanis in Canada is a serious development and challenges Canada’s obligations under the Vienna Convention. There appear to be different standards for assessing human rights in Canada.

He said that even on small issues of Punjab, strong voices are raised from Canada, but there is “complete silence” on the intimidation and violence, drug trafficking and extortion by the pro-Khalistan extremists sitting there. Due to which both the countries are being affected.

What did Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau say?

The dispute between New Delhi and Ottawa began when Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on September 18 alleged the “possible” involvement of Indian agents in Nijjar’s murder in June. India strongly rejected the allegations as “absurd” and “motivated by vested interests” and expelled a senior Canadian diplomat, retaliating after Ottawa expelled an Indian official over the matter. Had done it. In view of increasing anti-India activities and politically supported hate crimes and criminal violence in Canada, India on September 20 issued an advisory to its citizens and people considering traveling to the country to exercise “extreme caution”.

A day later, India announced a temporary ban on issuing visas to Canadian citizens in view of the ‘security threats’ faced by its High Commission and Consulates in Canada.

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