
Independence Day 2023: The Chauri Chaura incident is immortal in the pages of history, the foundation of the British Empire was shaken

Independence Day 2023: Today Independence Day is being celebrated with great enthusiasm all over the country. This freedom has been achieved after the martyrdom of countless freedom fighters. People are paying tribute to the martyrs, paying homage at the martyr’s memorials. During the dark period of the British rule, many such incidents took place regarding independence which have become immortal forever in the pages of history. There is also a Chauri Chaura incident recorded in the pages of history.

Chauri Chaura is situated at a distance of about 25 kilometers from Gorakhpur district headquarters. Where February 5 is an important day in the history of the Indian freedom struggle. On this day in 1922, Indian revolutionaries set the British police post on fire. In this incident, 22 policemen were burnt to death. After the Chauri Chaura incident, Gandhiji had withdrawn his non-cooperation movement.

In the year 1922, Gandhiji started a huge mass movement against the British rule to get freedom on the basis of truth and non-violence. The people’s movement which took the oath of non-violence turned violent in Chauri Chaura of Gorakhpur in the present United Provinces i.e. Uttar Pradesh. In which, being hurt by an inhuman act of police personnel, the protesters became furious and set a police post on fire. In which 22 policemen died. This incident is known as Chauri Chaura in the pages of history. It was for the first time after this scandal that the foundation of the British government was shaken.

Gandhiji started the non-cooperation movement against the British rule. This movement also got special support from the people of urban and rural areas and this mass movement was proving successful in all the provinces of the country. On February 4, 1922, in support of the non-cooperation movement, the agitators who came out at many places with preparations had decided that no matter how much the British torture, they will not back down. After which the revolutionaries were divided into different groups.

People left for Chauri Chaura from the Congress office established in Bramhapur. More than 1000 people were moving towards Chauri Chaura market. People were also raising slogans against the British government. Meanwhile, the crowd started protesting in front of the liquor shop located in Gauri Bazar. The crowd was getting furious as soon as they saw it. Inspector Gupteshwar Singh reached there with his soldiers. Seeing the police, the crowd increased their sloganeering. Soon the atmosphere started heating up there. To scare the crowd, the policemen fired in the air, due to which the crowd became more furious.

After which, seeing the crowd getting furious, the policemen opened fire on the crowd, which killed more than 10 agitators. When the bullets of the policemen ran out, they ran towards the police station. The crowd of agitators moved towards the outpost. The policemen locked themselves in the outpost to save themselves.

On the other side, the crowd started gathering at the post. Due to the firing of the police, someone from the furious crowd poured kerosene and set the post on fire. The entire outpost started burning in flames, in which 22 policemen including the sub-inspector were burnt alive. After this incident, Mahatma Gandhi postponed the Satyagraha movement after being distracted by this incident. But in the Chauri Chaura incident, the foundation of the British was shaken.

Report – Kumar Pradeep, Gorakhpur

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