
In this country, people work only 29 hours a week, rest the rest of the time, know here where the working hours are lowest.

Working Hours

Working Hours: Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy had recently advised the youth to work for 70 hours a week, after which a controversy broke out on social media. People are asking questions on Twitter regarding working hours. But do you know that there are some countries where people work only 29 hours every day and in return they get three days week off. Let us know in detail.

Working Hours

Which country has less working hours

In this article we are talking about those countries where working hours are less. Netherlands is at the top of this list. Where people work only 29 hours a week, and have three weeks off.

Working Hours


Talking about working hours, Denmark is a country where people work only 33 hours in a week. That means in Denmark people work for three days and rest for the remaining days. However, people here come to office even for 4 days. The interesting thing is that in Denmark there is no such law that you come to office only for four days.

Working Hours


Every employee in India works for at least 240 days. But there are different rules in Belgium. In Belgium, there is a rule of working four days a week, in which you will have to work only 10 hours a day and you will get three days off in a week.

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