
In the world of advertising, the taste of food also has make-up, be careful of dressed up tastes!

There is an old saying that the real taste of any dish can be felt only by tasting it – the proof of the pudding is in the eating. How can you taste something that you cannot put on your tongue? The other person cannot share his tastes easily. In this matter, the condition of all of us is like that of a dumb person who finds the juice of jaggery only under the influence of jaggery. However, in our times this can be said to be true only partially. This is the compulsion of the consumer culture generation that it has become eager to adopt the tastes suggested and tasted by others. That is why in the world of advertising, there is a continuous effort to present food in a beautified manner and to make even the ordinary bland food tasty through this decoration.

Be it Indian or foreign food, a photo of a restaurant’s menu or a campaign to sell equipment that helps in preparing food at home, the food items are shown in such a way that the mouth fills with water. For this, various types of experts have entered the market. Not only the photographers, but the food stylists also consider themselves no less great artists for their help. Just as landscape, wildlife, portrait wedding and fashion photography are considered different genres of photography, similarly the delicious world of food photography is no less magical.

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