
In Patna, illegal houses will be demolished on the banks of Ganga till Collectorate Ghat, till now bulldozer has been used on more than 250 houses.

Bulldozer on illegal construction in Patna

Bulldozers have been running on illegal houses built on the banks of Ganga in Patna for the last four days. Encroachment Is being removed. Action was taken from Kurji Mod to LCT Ghat on Friday. In this, 50 huts and 24 pucca houses were demolished. At the same time, in the action taken so far, more than 250 huts and houses have been demolished. In this, more than 100 houses were demolished on the banks of Digha Ghat on the first day. At the same time, 20 houses and 20 huts at gate number 93, 40 huts and 10 houses near Bans Kothi have been demolished.

Bulldozer on illegal construction in Patna

According to the information, this campaign will continue for a long time and Collectorate Ghat Will continue till. All the houses in between are to be demolished. Please note that due to teacher appointment, the proceedings may remain closed due to absence of security forces on Saturday. After this, the action is expected to start from Monday itself.

Bulldozer on illegal construction in Patna

About 100 houses have been demolished in the drive to remove encroachment near Digha Ghat. In this, Manju Devi’s house was also demolished. Manju Devi said that she was living here with her entire family since 2013. to the municipal corporation withholding tax Were also giving. Even after that, the house was demolished without notice in this cold. A day before I was just told to take out all the stuff and the next morning bulldozer The house was demolished. Had been living here for 10 years and had now even built a permanent house. He has been evicted from home within a day and is forced to live in a hut. If the district administration had to be demolished, they would have been demolished after the winter.

Bulldozer on illegal construction in Patna

The house of a person named Raju was also demolished near gate number 93. Raju said that the house was built only a year ago. He built a house with his entire life’s savings and it was demolished in a day. His ancestors used to live here, Ganges The house was submerged due to erosion. Came here when Ganga changed direction and went away. Now who knew that everything would be ruined in one day. I don’t know where to go with the whole family in this cold and what to do.

Bulldozer on illegal construction in Patna

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