
In Pakistan, the mother-in-law of the Chief Justice and the lawyer’s wife have shaken the government, controversy arose


Islamabad/New Delhi : In Pakistan, a new controversy has arisen after the audio of a phone call was leaked between the government led by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and the Chief Justice of Pakistan Supreme Court (CJP). The audio of the phone call is of a conversation between Pakistani Supreme Court Chief Justice Umar Ata Bandial’s Sah Mahe Jabni Noon and Rafia Tariq, wife of opposition party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) lawyer Khwaja Tariq Rahim. An audio of the phone conversation between the two got leaked. Both women have been heard criticizing the government in mutual conversation over the phone. This audio of their conversation is also becoming increasingly viral on social media, after which a new controversy has arisen.

Talk on the security and support of the Chief Justice

Mother-in-law of Chief Justice: According to media reports, in the phone call both the women are supporting Chief Justice of Pakistan Umar Ata Bandial and discussing the issue of mid-term elections in Pakistan. In this audio of the phone call, Chief Justice’s mother-in-law Mahe Jabni Noon can be heard saying that she is very concerned for the safety of her son-in-law Omar and is praying for his safety.

Rafia Tariq, wife of PTI lawyer: At the same time, Rafia Tariq, the wife of PTI’s lawyer, supported the order of this conversation and said that many people are praying for his safety. Along with this, he also said that he is in support of the Chief Justice even with the ongoing tension between the Supreme Court of the country and the government. Rafia Tariq said that thousands of people are supporting Chief Justice Omar and people in thousands of cities can support him. He said that their safety is very important.

Discussion on the right of suo cognizance

In the audio of this phone call, both the women are also heard talking about the right of Chief Justice of Pakistan Umar Ata Bandial to take suo motu cognizance and there is no objection to it, they are also heard discussing this topic. Both these women agreed on this issue that even before Umar Ata Bandyal, several Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of Pakistan have exercised the right of suo moto cognizance.

How to be elected as soon as possible

According to media reports, in the audio of the phone call, PTI’s lawyer’s wife Rafia Tariq can be heard calling the opponents traitors. He said may Allah strengthen him and make others blind. They are traitors of this country. See how they’re doing it. At the end of the conversation of these two women, both can be heard saying that how elections should be held in Pakistan as soon as possible.

Martial law will apply if elections are not held

According to Pakistani media reports, PTI lawyer’s wife Rafia Tariq says that if general elections are not held in Pakistan, martial law will apply and the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) government there cannot exist. In response, Mahe Jabni Noon said that he was not even going to impose martial law, while Rafia said that he was ready.

The Supreme Court called the decision of the Election Commission unconstitutional

Let us inform that in the first week of April, a three-judge bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan had announced that the decision of the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to postpone elections in Pakistan’s Punjab province till October was unconstitutional. The court had fixed the date of polling as May 14. After this, the National Assembly of Pakistan passed a resolution rejecting the decision of the Supreme Court, in which the Prime Minister of Pakistan Shehbaz Sharif also said that the decision of the Supreme Court is a mockery of the constitution and law and cannot be implemented. .


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