
In Gumla, after feeding poison to her daughter, the mother also consumed it herself, four year old daughter died, mother is undergoing treatment.

Gumla: In Kamdara of Gumla district of Jharkhand, a mother first fed poison to her daughter and then consumed poison herself. Due to this the daughter died, while the mother is undergoing treatment. After consuming poison, the woman called her husband, who was working in Pune, and informed him about the incident. Kamdara police on Sunday sent the body of Srishti Kongadi, four-year-old daughter of Gangi Kongadi, resident of Urugutu village, to Gumla Sadar Hospital for post-mortem.

death of four year old daughter
According to the information, Gangi Kongadi, a resident of Urugutu village of the police station area, lived on rent in Torpa city and the girl was also studying. She came to Uruguay from Torpa in the evening on Saturday. Late at night, Gangi Kongadi fed pesticide to her four-year-old daughter Srishti Kumari and also consumed pesticide. After this she informed her husband Jeevan Kongadi through mobile. By then the condition of both had become critical. The villagers brought both of them to Kamdara Hospital and admitted them, where both were referred to Referral Hospital, Busia. The girl died during treatment at Referral Hospital, Busia. Considering the critical condition of the woman, she was sent to Sadar Hospital Gumla for better treatment, where the woman is undergoing treatment.

Woman dies, three injured as auto overturns, one referred to RIMS
Here, the auto overturned near Dardkesha Dam in Bharno police station area of ​​Gumla district. The auto overturned and fell 20 feet down the road. Due to this, Sitamuni Devi (60 years), resident of Singrauli village, who was traveling in the auto, died, while driver Madan Oraon, wife Julia Oraon, sister-in-law Pramila Oraon were injured. With the help of local people, he was admitted to CHC, where he is undergoing treatment.

Julia Oraon RIMS Ref
According to the information, Madan Oraon from Singrauli village was going to Mehmani in his auto with his wife Julia Oraon, sister-in-law Pramila Oraon and the deceased to his in-laws’ house in Budka village of Sisai block. Pramila Oraon’s 9 year old daughter and 8 month old son were also in the auto, but they did not even get scratched. The daughter of the deceased also lives in Budka village. That’s why she was also going with them to her daughter’s house. After the accident, the village head and villagers sent all the injured to the hospital by ambulance. Informed the police. On receiving the information, Inspector Rajendra Kumar, SHO Arvind Kumar, SI Mantu Chaudhary, Rajendra Yadav reached the spot with the team. The body was taken into custody and sent to Gumla for post-mortem. The police station officer reached the hospital and met the injured. After first aid in the hospital, Julia Oraon was referred to RIMS.

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