
In Gorakhpur, the son brutally killed his father by cutting him with an axe, the ruckus was going on for many days regarding the property


Gorakhpur. In Gorakhpur, a son has brutally murdered his father by cutting him with an axe. The son has killed the father while sleeping at night. After the incident, the accused son did not run away but sat near the dead body all night. When people saw him in the morning, the son told that he had killed his father. The son has killed his father over the property. The father wanted to sell his property, while the son opposed it. This whole incident is of Jeetpur Tola located in Baghagada village of Gida police station area of ​​Gorakhpur. The villagers and family members handed over the accused son to the police. The police reached the spot, took the dead body into custody and sent it for postmortem.

father killed in property dispute

In Gorakhpur, a son brutally murdered his father by cutting him with an ax in a property dispute. Not only this, the son has also cut and separated the wrists of both his father’s hands. And after killing, he sat near the dead body all night. It is said that the deceased Manoj alias Bhukkal was addicted to alcohol. And he was selling his land to fulfill his addiction. Even before this he has sold many of his lands. He is survived by his wife, three sons and a daughter.

Police investigating the incident

His family members were constantly opposing the sale of the land and there used to be disputes in the house on this issue. On Saturday night too, there was a dispute with the deceased Manoj and his elder son Nirmit Nisha regarding this matter. Nirmit attacked his father with an ax after sleeping at night. He continuously attacked his father with an ax and killed him. At the same time, the villagers and family members have handed over the accused son to the police. The police took the body into custody and sent it for postmortem and have started investigating the matter.

Report- Kumar Pradeep, Gorakhpur


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