
In February, Sun-Mars, Mercury-Venus and Saturn will change their movements, many big Rajyoga including Trigrahi Yoga will be formed.

Graha Transit 2024: The month of February is very special, because the month of Magh is falling in this month. Many big fasts and festivals are also falling in February. According to astrology, at the beginning of the month, on 01 February, Mercury is transiting in Capricorn and will set in this zodiac on 8 February. Mercury, the prince of planets, will transit into Saturn’s zodiac sign Capricorn from 02:29 pm on 1st February. Mercury is currently in Sagittarius. Mercury will be in Capricorn from 1st February to 19th February. After that, on February 20, Saturn will enter the zodiac sign Aquarius from 06:07 am.

Mars will enter Capricorn on 5th February, along with this Saturn is setting on 11th February and Venus will also enter Capricorn on 12th February. On February 13, Sun, the king of planets, and on February 20, Mercury, the prince of planets, will also enter Aquarius. In such a situation, Trigrahi Yoga is being formed in Capricorn and Aquarius, along with this, auspicious yogas like Lakshmi Narayan Yoga are being formed by the conjunction of Venus and Mercury, Dhan Shakti Yoga by the conjunction of Venus and Mars and Budhaditya by the conjunction of Sun and Mercury. Is.

wed set 2024

Mercury will set in Sagittarius on February 8, 2024 at 09:17 pm. According to astrology, if the position of Mercury is bad in the horoscope, it causes skin related disorders, lack of concentration in education and problems in writing work. Weak Mercury also causes financial loss again and again. Due to the auspicious influence of Mercury, intelligence becomes sharp and there is progress in business, communication and education.

venus transit 2024

Venus, the factor of beauty, happiness and luxury, will enter Saturn’s zodiac sign Capricorn on 12 February 2024 at 04:41 am. Sun is currently situated in Capricorn. Sun will enter Aquarius on February 13, 2024. The transit of Venus will also take place on March 7. Venus will also transit from Capricorn to Aquarius during this period. In this way there will be a conjunction of Sun and Venus in Aquarius. When Sun and Venus are together in Aquarius, a conjunction is formed. Due to which many zodiac signs are going to benefit the most.

saturn set 2024

Saturn, the giver of karma, is setting in Aquarius on 11 February 2024 at 01:55 am. When Shani Dev sets, the business related to land related things like oil, iron, land, wood etc. is adversely affected. Problems increase in career and work. People associated with politics or administration also have to face serious difficulties.

sun transit 2024

Sun, the king of the planets, will transit into Saturn’s zodiac sign Aquarius on 13 February 2024 at 03.31 pm. In the month of February, Sun God is going to transit in Aquarius, where Shani Dev is already present. Due to the conjunction of Saturn and Sun, some zodiac signs will get very auspicious results. Sun, the planet responsible for success and respect in life, is currently present in Capricorn.

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