
If your mobile gets broken or lost, stop worrying! You will get a new smartphone with just one task

Smartphone Insurance: Whenever you go to buy a new smartphone, the shopkeeper definitely asks you to take insurance for it. He also gives you many types of arguments behind doing this. In such a situation, you get confused and questions start arising in your mind again and again whether you should take insurance for your smartphone or not? You all must be aware that in today’s time a smartphone is considered a very expensive gadget because you have to pay a lot of money while buying it. In such a situation, if your smartphone falls and breaks or gets stolen, it can cause a lot of trouble for you. This is the reason why you must be worried about its safety all the time. These are some of the reasons why smartphone sellers ask you to take insurance for it. If your precious smartphone gets broken or stolen, then in such a situation insurance can prove to be very useful for you.

Why should you get smartphone insurance?

If you have a dilemma in your mind whether you should take insurance for your smartphone or not, then smartphone insurance works in the same way as insurance for any other product. If your smartphone is lost, stolen or broken, then in such a situation, insurance taken for the smartphone can prove beneficial for you. If anything happens to your smartphone, these companies compensate you completely.

Insurance works as an extended warranty policy

If we explain it to you in simple words, the insurance taken for the smartphone works as an extended warranty for it. While almost all smartphone companies give you a warranty of up to one year, these insurance companies give you a warranty of up to 3 years. You all must be aware that any kind of defect or problem occurring in the smartphone is covered by the smartphone manufacturer. But, you must know that these companies do not provide cover to the customers in case of any kind of theft or damage. In such situations, it becomes very important to have insurance for your smartphone.

Cyber ​​insurance policy is also necessary

In today’s time, digital fraud has become a common problem. These cyber criminals can easily steal your social media accounts or details. Due to this, doing online transactions can also become a problem for you, to avoid such problems, you can take a cyber insurance policy which covers the losses caused by online fraud, cyber stalking or malware attacks. .

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