
If you want to boost your children’s memory power, then adopt these measures, they will be fit and healthy.

Everyone’s memory capacity is not the same. Generally children have good memory. But in some cases problem is seen. Nowadays children are spending more time using mobile phones. Physical activity is less. In such a situation, they start facing problems in remembering things. He doesn’t remember what he read. If they face more such problems than other children in the class, they become discouraged and may gradually become victims of psychosis. To avoid such situations, it becomes necessary for parents to pay attention. Some common processes are being mentioned here, which can prove useful in strengthening the memory power of your children.

Adequate sleep is also important

First of all, watch whether your child is getting enough sleep or not. Generally, children require adequate sleep of eight to ten hours. If children get enough sleep, their brain will remain more active and spontaneous during studies. They will be able to read refreshed with more energy and will also remember what they have read. The power of thinking and understanding also increases with this. Therefore, let the child get enough sleep and never wake him up half asleep.

Breaks are necessary during studies

Breaks are most important during studies. It is not right at all that once a child sits down to study, he gets up only after two-three hours. There is a limit to what the brain can absorb. The studies done after taking breaks go into long term memory. Also, children can take milk or energy drink for energy during this break. When children sit to study after a gap, their mind becomes ready to accept new things. If they feel tired, ask children to take a break from studies.

let them do their own thing

It is important to pay attention to children from an early age for their memory and mental development. Parents should take help from children in small household things. By doing this, children gain confidence and in future, they become capable of taking the responsibility of doing their work on their own. This sharpens their memory power. Ask children to put their books in their own place in the cupboard or bookshelf. You can also ask them to save their clothes themselves. By doing this they will remember these small things.

Balance diet is important

Children’s diet is very important for their development, especially their mental development. The most important thing is that they should be kept in mind whether the diet given to them by their parents provides them with nutrients or not. Children’s memory power can be increased by making their diet rich. Vitamin D, Vitamin B-1, B-6, B-12, Iron, Iodine are such nutrients which are very important for children. Therefore, keep the diet such that they can get these nutrients. Along with these, the amount of antioxidants is also important.

mental exercise

Increase children’s game activity. Along with indoor games, outdoor games are also important. Apart from these, motivate them to play such games which give them mental exercise. Can give them puzzles to solve. Solving puzzles develops the power of thinking and understanding. This sharpens the mind and increases mental power.

take the kids out

Children should be taken outside. When they go out into the environment, they listen and learn new things. This increases the scope of their knowledge. This is necessary for the mental development of growing children. Mixing with the outside environment also sharpens their memory power. Limiting the scope of children to the four walls of the house hinders their development. Therefore, do not let their scope get limited.

include these things

Include one egg in children’s diet every day. Ask to drink milk every day. Feed dry fruits. Seasonal fruits are also important. Feed one spoon of ghee every day. It contains good fats which are essential for physical and mental development.

try these activities

  • Take children to places like museum, science centre, art gallery and expose them to new information.

  • Take help of visualization to teach children. Due to this they remember things for a long time.

  • Apart from the course books, encourage them to read informative books and magazines also.

  • Apart from normal studies, children should be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities.

  • Make children practice exercise and yoga with you. This will make a difference at the physical and mental level.

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