
If you want to avoid air pollution, then plant these five plants in your homes, you will get pure air.


air pollution increasing again

Air pollution has started increasing once again in Delhi. People are having cough, cold, watery and burning eyes and difficulty in breathing. People of all ages are affected by this. The time has come that we should plant such plants in our house which keep providing oxygen day and night. This will provide a healthy environment in your home.

Areca Palm

Plant Areca plant at home

To get clean and healthy air in your house, you can keep Areca palm plant in your house. These are indoor plants, so you can also add them to your bedroom or living room to use them for decorative purposes. Areca palm not only produces oxygen at night but also maintains the humidity levels in your home.

Tulsi Plant

Tulsi plant gives oxygen

Tulsi plant is not only beneficial for your skin and health but it also provides oxygen throughout the night. These plants are mostly planted in open spaces, while they are suitable to survive indoors also. A basil plant can provide oxygen for 20 to 24 hours in a day.

Peace Lily

Amazing benefits of peace lily

If you are looking for a plant to beautify your rooms and increase the amount of oxygen in your home then Peace Lily will be perfect for you. These beautiful plants can produce oxygen 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera plants are also beneficial

One plant that you will never regret keeping at home is Aloe Vera. From skin to hair, it brings a lot of benefits. Aloe vera plants are also beneficial when it comes to providing oxygen throughout the night. Therefore, their presence is necessary in Delhi pollution.

Snake Plant

Benefits of planting snake plant

One of the most commonly planted indoor plants is the snake plant. These plants are famous for being natural purifiers. However, many people do not know that they produce oxygen even at night. It is one of the only plants that can survive even at night by consuming CO2.

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