
If you let a minor drive your car, you will go to jail! Know what the rules say

Motor Vehicle Rules: Car has become a necessity today. If one has to go out of the house, no one tries to take a single step without a car. Whether they are an adult or a minor, the need for a car starts feeling as soon as they step out of home. This not only saves time but also provides many types of facilities. That’s why people buy vehicles for city rides. But, just buying a vehicle is not enough. Rules have also been made to run it. The biggest question is who is driving? Does he have a license? Is the driver an adult or a minor? If out of love you let a minor or your friend drive your car, then you should know that for doing so you can go to jail. Along with owning a vehicle, it is very important to know about traffic rules and regulations. Come, let us know what the rules of the Motor Vehicles Act say regarding driving.

What is the Motor Vehicles Act?

Let us tell you that the rules and regulations for driving in India were laid down through the Motor Vehicles Act 1988. This Act regulates almost every single part of road transport vehicles. It provides guidelines on licensing of drivers and conductors, registration of motor vehicles, provisions governing their permits, traffic rules, related insurance, liabilities and fines etc. The Motor Vehicles Act makes it mandatory for any driver to have a valid driving license and no vehicle can be driven without being registered under the Motor Vehicles Act.

Minor punished for driving

Section 180 of the Motor Vehicles Act says that if you allow a minor or a friend to drive your vehicle without a license, then you can be punished with imprisonment of 3 months or a fine of Rs 5,000 or both. According to the Motor Vehicle Law, it is wrong to allow a child to drive a vehicle without a license. Not only this, if a person is driving without a valid license, then action will be taken against him under Section 3 r/w 181 of the Motor Vehicles Act. At the same time, if a person gives his car to drive to a person who does not have a valid license, then in this case there is a provision for punishment and fine under Section 5 r/w 180 of the Motor Vehicles Act.

What action will be taken against driving without insurance?

Along with this, if you do not have the documents of the vehicle and its insurance, then a provision has been made in the law for this also. Under Section 130(3) r/w 177 of the Motor Vehicles Act, action can be taken against driving without any documents or insurance. Along with this, action is taken under Section 130 R/W 177 Motor of the Motor Vehicles Act for driving without a valid permit. Apart from this, there is a provision to take action under this section even if the vehicle does not have a valid fitness certificate. Therefore, if you are driving on the road in future, then definitely pay attention to these things.

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