
If you include garlic in your daily diet, its steely properties will protect your health from high cholesterol or diabetes.

health care

Eating raw garlic on an empty stomach in the morning can help in lowering cholesterol levels. You can peel a small bud and swallow it or crush it and eat it. Although raw garlic is not liked by everyone, it can be included in your daily diet in many ways.

health care

Garlic oil is very beneficial, for this, prepare garlic cloves by roasting them in some oil. This oil can be used in salad dressing, cooking or in other dishes.

health care

Eating raw garlic with a glass of water is the best way to promote heart health and control diabetes while maintaining optimum nutrition.

health care

You can get the health benefits of garlic by adding it to your diet on a daily basis. Adding it to vegetables, curries, soups, lentils and other dishes can increase its taste.

health care

Roasting garlic gives it a mild and slightly sweet flavor while retaining its health benefits. Roasted garlic adds delicious flavor to your dishes as well as offers a host of health benefits.

health care

Adding garlic to your regular diet can provide many health benefits, including promoting heart health, controlling diabetes, and lowering triglyceride levels.

health care

You can crush a clove of garlic and mix it with honey and eating this mixture daily in the morning can benefit your health.

health care

You can consume garlic tea for the diagnosis of various health problems of the body, for this, boil a bud after cutting it in water, then add cinnamon to it and after boiling for a while, drinking it after cooling it will benefit you.

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