
If you are troubled by scalp itching along with hair fall, then try these remedies for relief.

hair care tips


Use curd to reduce scalp itching. The antibacterial properties present in curd help in relieving itching. Massaging the scalp with curd a few times a week can provide relief. It keeps the hair shiny and soft.


Lemon contains citric acid, which helps in cleaning the scalp and can relieve itching. Extract the juice of a small lemon and apply it on the scalp and massage it gently. It can be more beneficial to do this before sleeping at night.

coconut oil and camphor

Coconut oil has antifungal properties that can help in providing relief from scalp infection. Mix camphor in a little coconut oil and massage your head and leave it for a while, this gives you relief from itching.

onion juice

Onion juice has antibacterial properties that can help with scalp itching. Extract onion juice and apply it on the head and keep it for some time. After this wash the head.

fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds can help in reducing the itching of the head. Soak fenugreek seeds in a cup, and then grind it and make a paste. Apply this paste on the head and keep it for 30 minutes and then wash the hair.

neem leaves

Applying the juice of Neem leaves on the head can provide relief from itching. Apply neem paste on the head and let it dry, then wash the hair.

honey and lemon

Mix the juice of half a lemon in one spoon of honey and apply the mixture on the head. Let it keep for a while and then wash the hair.

basil paste

Making a paste of basil leaves and applying it on the head can provide relief from itching. It is rich in antifungal properties and helps in keeping the scalp healthy.

Baking soda

Make a paste by mixing baking soda in water and apply it on the head. This can provide relief from itching of the head. Applying aloe vera gel on the head can provide relief from scalp itching and can help in keeping the skin healthy. You can get relief from scalp itching by following these home remedies properly. However, if the problem persists, it is safe to consult a doctor. Also, choosing the right shampoo is also important for good hair care.

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