
If you also suffer from itching due to wearing woolen clothes, then try these remedies

itching problems

problem of itching in winter

We wear woolen clothes in winter. After wearing it, the problem of itching and rashes at various places on the body is seen in many people. Generally it is more in winter season only. In such a situation, woolen clothes cannot be tolerated on the body.


Textile dermatitis problem

Sometimes this problem increases so much that red spots appear on the body. To deal with this, some home remedies can be implemented. This allergy caused by wearing woolen clothes is called ‘textile dermatitis’.


Itching occurs due to rubbing

Wearing hairy woolen clothes causes their hair to rub against each other i.e. friction. This causes stretch on the skin, which causes itching or red rashes. This causes itching in the body.

Winter Season Skin Care

Be sure to apply body lotion

Skin moisture reduces in winter season. Therefore, before wearing woolen clothes, apply body lotion. Be sure to apply body lotion after bathing.


take bath with mustard oil

Itching may occur due to allergies. Those who have energy problems due to woolen or warm clothes can massage with mustard oil. Do this before bathing, it will not cause itching.


wearing cotton clothes

Wear full-sleeved cotton clothes to avoid direct contact of wool or hot clothes with the body. Wearing full sleeve cotton clothes will not cause this problem.

Hot bath benefits

Do not bathe with hot water

Dryness of the body skin causes itching. To avoid this, do not bathe with hot water. Apply moisturizer immediately after bathing.

Winter Season Skin Care Tips

These are the symptoms of allergy

The problem of severe itching starts on the skin and red rashes appear on the skin and other parts of the body like face, hands, forehead etc. Swelling of the body parts that come in contact with wool. Small pimples or rashes on the body.

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