
If the wound is not healing quickly, then follow these Ayurvedic remedies

Minor injuries like cuts, scrapes and bruises are a necessary part of daily life. No matter how careful you are, you still get hurt sometimes. Some of the best home remedies for these minor injuries are provided by Ayurveda. Using which we can heal these injuries. Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine in which diseases are treated by communicating with nature. According to this healing method, even wounds and cuts can be treated naturally. Ayurveda has various treatments for wounds and cuts based on the principles of herbal remedies, diet, natural remedies and reactions. Today in this article, we will tell you about Ayurvedic remedies for fast healing of wounds and cuts.

ayurvedic remedies for wound healing

The basic element of Ayurveda is naturopathy, in which disease is treated according to the balance of nature and the Panchamahabhutas (sky, air, fire, water, earth). In such a situation, there are some measures by adopting which you can get immediate relief from the wound.

clean water The first and foremost step in treating wounds and cuts is to clean them with clean water. Clean the wound by washing it with warm water and soap. This reduces the risk of infection and wounds start healing quickly.

Uses of Turmeric: Turmeric has antiseptic properties, which help in treating wounds. Apply turmeric powder on the wound with purity and wash after drying. Curcumin present in turmeric has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that provide relief from inflammation and pain. Antibiotic action prevents bacterial infection of wounds.

Use of marigold flower: Marigold flower is also very useful in healing minor wounds. It works on the lines of herbs. Its use is also very easy. You take some marigold flowers and break them and extract the juice. Apply this juice on the wound 2 or 3 times a day. This will stop bleeding and swelling will not come.

Aloe vera: Applying the juice of aloe vera leaves on the wound reduces burning sensation and swelling. Due to the properties of aloe vera, it is considered useful in the treatment of wounds.

Use of Ghee: Ghee has antiseptic properties that can help in treating wounds. Cumin ghee is a famous Ayurvedic remedy which when applied on the wound reduces its dryness and provides relief.

Uses of Neem: Neem leaves also have antiseptic properties, which can be helpful in treating wounds. Grind neem leaves and apply on the wound and wash after drying. This will give you relief.

Mint leaves: Grinding mint leaves and applying it on the wound is beneficial in the treatment of wounds. This gives coolness to the wound and reduces swelling.

Ayurvedic Medicines: Ayurveda has various medicines with raktasthan and raktashodhak properties, which can prove beneficial in the treatment of wounds. Generally, consumption of decoction of bark of Arjuna and Shirish tree can help in quick healing of wounds.

Uses of coconut oil: Coconut oil stops bleeding, speeds up the healing process and protects the wound from dirt and dust. Coconut oil has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties that protect wounds from infection.

Doctor’s advice: If the wound is very deep or is healing slowly, you should consult a doctor. With the medicines useful in Ayurveda, a personalized treatment plan can be designed for your patient from a medical perspective.

If the wound is deep or is healing slowly, you must consult a doctor. Ayurvedic remedies can solve the problem completely, but it may take time and it depends on the nature of the person’s body, the depth of the wound, and the level of infection.

Disclaimer:The given information is taken from the internet. Before adopting any kind of remedy, do your own investigation and take the advice of experts. BollywoodWallah.com does not confirm any information given.

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