
Huge mega conference of Brahmins at Gandhi Maidan, participation sought on seven Lok Sabha and 56 Assembly seats

Patna. Bihar Legislative Council Chairman Devesh Chandra Thakur said that Brahmins should get support to expand their profession. Help is needed to improve the economic condition of Brahmins. The demand of Brahmins is justified. For this they will provide all possible help. Devesh Chandra Thakur was addressing the Brahmin Swabhiman Sammelan at Bapu Auditorium on behalf of Rashtriya Brahmin Mahasabha Parshuram Seva Sansthan on Sunday. On this occasion, RJD Legislative Councilor Ashok Pandey said that he will talk to the Deputy Chief Minister and the Chief Minister regarding the demands.

Historical contribution of Brahmins in furthering education

Addressing the program, Sanjeev Mishra, Managing Director of Panorama Group and patron of Kosi area of ​​Parshuram Seva Sansthan, said that Brahmins have had a historical contribution in nation building, in taking forward religion and education, hence the descendants of Parashuram, Chanakya, Atal ji. All have to come together, only then the upliftment of Brahmin society is possible. Because even after many years of independence, people of Brahmin community are deprived of the benefits of many government schemes and basic facilities. Even today, our society is quite backward which reflects the indifference of the people in power and our lack of unity benefits the people of the other class who have always been ignoring us in every way. Whereas the ancestors coming from our society have always worked for the unity, integrity of the nation and helping people from every section of the society.

Poverty will end in the society only when that society is educated.

Appealing to all the people of Sanatan Dharma of Brahmin community who had come to participate in the conference, he said that the upliftment of any society is possible only when we and our society are educated because to live life we ​​need water, air and food items. It is very important to be educated. Poverty in any society will end only when that society is educated. For this, we all need to come together to build good educational institutions and also have a deep discussion on how to provide employment to the youth. He called upon the society to unite, show enthusiasm for education and employment and raise voice for political participation. Therefore, unless we all come together and rally together, it is impossible for our society to develop because we need to be aware for the development and upliftment of the society. Sanjeev Mishra said that my effort is that the people of our society should actively participate in every field. Become educated.

There should be proper participation in politics

Presiding over the program, National President Ashutosh Jha said that Brahmins should get proper participation in politics as per their population. The society has control over seven Lok Sabha and 56 assembly seats. If a decision is not taken on the demands, then next year a huge conference will be held at Gandhi Maidan to give a feeling of strength. Before this, there will be brainstorming by organizing programs in all the districts. He said that the people of the society need to unite. Executive State President Manish Mishra said that a framework should be decided to take the society forward. He made other demands including formation of Brahmin Welfare Board, opening of Veda schools in all the districts, reservation on economic basis, Brahmin hostels for meritorious students in all the districts, declaring a public holiday in the country on Lord Parshuram Jayanti.

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