
How To: How your motorcycle will give better mileage, here are some good tips

Motorcycles are very much liked in the cities and villages of India. The reason for this is that the mileage of motorcycles is much better than that of cars. But, many times the mileage of the motorcycles becomes a matter of concern for the people. Often, we are not satisfied with the fuel economy offered by our motorcycles, then we are faced with a dilemma. Especially, for people who regularly cover an average distance of 25-30 km, it is very important for their motorcycles to have good mileage. If you are not satisfied with your motorcycle fuel economy, it can be improved by following some simple yet important tips. Getting maximum mileage should be one of the top priorities of all riders. Like other vehicles, the mileage can be improved in a motorcycle too by adopting some key tips. Here are some easy and important tips to improve the mileage of your motorcycle. Read, important tips…

It is very important to retune the carburetor

Carburetor retuning can be an important step in improving the mileage of your motorcycle. If you are not getting maximum mileage out of your motorcycle, check the carburetor settings. It can be retuned electrically or manually. By doing this, the working efficiency of the engine will increase and the mileage will also improve significantly.

Do not run the engine in a standing vehicle

If you have to wait at a traffic signal for more than 20 seconds, it would be best to switch off the engine. Leaving the vehicle idling with the engine running means wastage of fuel. Doing this burns a lot of fuel. Especially, when your motorcycle consumes a lot of oil in stop-and-go traffic in cities. Hence, switching off the engine at traffic signals where you have to wait for a long time can save you a lot of fuel in the long run.

check tire pressure

Tire pressure plays an important role in increasing the fuel efficiency of any vehicle. As per the advice of motorcycle manufacturers, always maintain the air pressure in the tires at a good level. Whenever you take the bike on a long journey, get the tire pressure checked at the petrol pump. Also, it is best to get the tire pressure checked weekly every time you visit a fueling station.

keep bike clean

A clean bike is a fast bike. Keeping the motorcycle in a neat and clean condition helps in getting the best mileage out of it. Wash the bike from time to time and keep it clean. Also, don’t forget to lubricate the moving parts.

avoid making unnecessary additions

Every vehicle is designed after a lot of research and the engineers design the vehicles keeping in mind the aerodynamic efficiency, which plays an important role in delivering mileage. Unnecessary additions to the motorcycle not only add extra weight to the motorcycle, but also affect the aerodynamic efficiency, which in turn affects the mileage.

Increase bike mileage like this

  • Step 1: Get the carburetor retuned

  • Step 2: Do not run the engine while the vehicle is stationary

  • Step 3: It is very important to keep checking tire pressure

  • Step 4: Keep the Motorcycle Clean

  • Step 5: Avoid making unnecessary additions

The world’s first motorcycle was made 124 years ago

Let us tell you that the first motorcycle was made in the world about 124 years ago. The name of this world’s first motorcycle is Hildebrand Wolfmuller. You will now be able to see this bicycle-like motorcycle only in private collections. This motorcycle was made by Heinrich and Wilhelm. Heinrich and Wilhelm were steam engineers. He got this motorcycle patented on 20 January 1894. The weight of this motorcycle was around 50 kg. This motorcycle was managed by the handle. That is, it had handles like a bicycle. The top speed of this motorcycle was 45 kilometers per hour. This motorcycle was made in Germany.

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