
How is your love bond, this relationship test will tell how strong is your relationship.

How does your partner react to good news: Sharing good news and happy moments with a partner is priceless, their reaction can enhance or hinder the quality of your relationship. Feeling appreciated by a partner, which often results in positive feedback, makes you feel more appreciated by them. Being appreciative as well as making them more sensitive to their needs and more likely to remain committed to them has the most positive impact on relationship satisfaction. This perceived partner responsiveness promotes feelings of connectedness and emotional intimacy and allows individuals to experience positive events more fully through the enthusiastic reactions of their loved ones whereas, on the other hand, passive or destructive reactions may make a partner feel neglected. Or they may be made to feel inferior because they are not getting anything or they are being criticized and invalidated. In the long run, these types of reactions lead to relationship breakdown. Active-constructive responses ask a partner to elaborate on good news and thus enhance shared joy. When a partner shares in your happiness, it signals that they care about your happiness and well-being. These moments can be signs of how much emotional space they hold for you. When people are experiencing positive emotions themselves, they are more likely to respond enthusiastically to a partner’s good news. For a good relationship, your partner is open to contact. Even a small effort, such as a comment, question, or gesture that catches your attention or makes you want to engage, is important to respond positively and attentively. With such behavior, it becomes much easier to walk together on the path of life, holding each other’s hand.

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