
How are IoT and AI transforming farming? Read this special report

How IoT and AI are improving the agriculture sector? In the broader scenario of agriculture, where tradition and technology meet, Phylo has played an important role in changing the lives of around 5000 farmers with the power of IoT (Internet of Things). Phylo’s efforts go beyond just equipping farmers with IoT devices. It focuses on empowerment and education, fundamentally changing the way Indian farmers work and thrive.

By installing IoT devices in their fields, farmers can get real-time data on important factors. These factors are soil moisture, soil temperature, air pressure, rainfall, humidity, wind direction, wind speed and weather predictions.

With the help of IoT devices, farmers can now accurately monitor and manage irrigation, thereby ensuring full utilization of water. Additionally, they can make judicious use of resources like fertilizers and pesticides, which not only reduces costs but also minimizes the impact on the environment. Confirming this change, Vijay Singh Kachare of Solapur says, usually I used to do 11-12 irrigations in a season. This year I have done only 4 irrigations and have saved a lot of fertilizer. I have saved about 50-60% in spraying expenses.

Phylo’s IoT devices also provide farmers with real-time alerts about potential problems, such as pest infestations or disease outbreaks. With this information, farmers can take fast and targeted action, so that their crops can be saved and losses are reduced. Narrating his experience, Bapu Dabade says, I am getting timely information regarding required sprays on my farm, hence I could take action at right time thus helping me in getting better growth and quality yield.

Philo’s commitment to farmer education is an important part of this change. Phylo believes that technology alone is not enough. Farmers need knowledge and skills to take full advantage of technology. For this, Phylo actively empowers the farming community in rural areas with the help of knowledge workshops and training programs. These programs ensure that farmers are able to use IoT devices and understand the data provided.

Additionally, Phylo runs extensive awareness campaigns highlighting the importance and benefits of data-driven farming. Webinars, community meetings and digital content share success stories and showcase the tangible improvements that technology can bring to farming.

Phylo provides easily accessible resources, such as online guides and tutorials, to help farmers make full use of IoT devices. To reach more people, support is provided in multiple languages, ensuring that there are no language barriers.

With a strong commitment to education and empowerment, Phylo is ushering in a new era of sustainable and profitable farming in India. An era in which tradition easily blends with cutting-edge technology.

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