
Home Remedy for Piles Treatment: If you are troubled by years old piles then try these home remedies.

Home Remedy for Piles Treatment: In today’s times, the problem of piles is facing adults as well as children. If piles are not treated on time, it can also become a serious disease. Let us know the types and home remedies of piles.

Types of Piles

There are two types of Piles. One is bloody piles and the other is bloody piles. A person suffering from piles experiences pain in the anus, bleeding, itching in the anus, swelling etc.

home remedies for piles

sitting in a hot tub

A person suffering from piles should sit in a tub of hot water for about an hour every day. This reduces pain and swelling in the anus and also stops bleeding from the anus.

use coconut

If someone is troubled by piles and wants to cure it with home remedies, then for this, burn coconut coir and convert it into ash. Then mix it with fresh whey and consume it every morning on an empty stomach. By doing this you will get rid of piles quickly.

Apple vinegar

The home remedy for piles is apple cider vinegar. Yes, the astringent properties found in it help in shrinking the blood vessels and provide relief from piles. For this, you will have to drink apple cider vinegar every morning and in case of piles, you will have to soak cotton in apple cider vinegar and keep it in the anus. Doing this will provide relief from burning and itching.

use of olive oil

People suffering from piles should use olive oil. It quickly reduces the swelling in blood vessels. Keep in mind that every day you will have to apply olive oil on your piles with cotton.

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