
Home Remedies For Summer Cold: If you have cold even in summer, then adopt these home remedies.

Home Remedies For Summer Cold: The changing weather also brings with it many diseases. Some people continue to suffer from cold even in summer. In such a situation, instead of taking medicines, you can get instant relief from cold with home remedies. Let us know….

eat garlic
If you have cold even in summer, then start eating garlic. Because the antiviral and antibacterial properties found in it are no less than a panacea for cold and cough. If you want, you can prepare garlic chutney and eat it or you can also eat raw garlic cloves.

Ginger and Jaggery
If you are troubled by cold, then cook ginger and jaggery well in ghee and eat it in the morning and evening. By doing this you will get relief from cold in a few weeks.

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eat onion
To get rid of the problem of cold in summer, consume onion juice mixed with a little honey. Raw onion and honey contain many nutrients which eliminate cold from its roots.

decoction of basil leaves
If you want to get rid of cold, then start drinking the decoction of basil leaves or chew basil leaves and drink hot water. By doing this your cold will be completely eradicated within a week.

eat cinnamon
Be it winter or summer, cold can occur at any time. If you are suffering from cold then consume cinnamon. The antioxidant properties found in it will eliminate cold from its roots.

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eat raw turmeric
People suffering from cold should consume raw turmeric. So that we can get rid of it as soon as possible.

Eat black pepper and honey

If you suffer from cold during the summer season, then make black pepper powder and mix honey in it and consume it. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties found in it are very beneficial for colds.

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