
Home Gardening: If the leaves of the plant are turning yellow, then save its life like this

Home Gardening: If you have plants at home and their leaves are turning yellow, then this article is for you only. Today we are going to tell you some methods with the help of which you can check those plants in time and can also save their lives. You all must be aware that whenever the health of a plant deteriorates, its first effect is visible on its leaves. One of these is yellowing of leaves. Today we are going to tell you how you can prevent leaves from turning yellow.

stress check

If you notice that the leaves of your plant are turning yellow, then it becomes necessary for you to check for symptoms of stress. The most common of these is too much or too little water in the plant. To check how much moisture your plant is getting, press your finger about an inch into the soil of the plant, this will give you an idea of ​​its moisture.

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Pest infestation may be the reason

While under- and over-watering are the two most common causes of yellowing leaves, if you do not consider them as the main reason behind yellowing of leaves, then pest infestation could be responsible for it. Although it is quite difficult to see it with the eyes. Let us tell you that mealybugs or spider mites can be the main reason behind the yellowing of the leaves of your plant.

exposure to sunlight is beneficial

If your plants are not getting the right amount of sunlight, then this can also be a reason for their leaves turning yellow. If the right amount of sunlight does not reach your apartment, then you can keep these plants on the terrace for some time. This sunshine will be very beneficial for them.

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interruption of photosynthesis

You may believe that your plant is getting all the nutrients it needs from the soil, but if the leaves are turning yellow, it could be a sign of a nutrient deficiency that is hindering photosynthesis.

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