
Home and family are falling apart due to stress, know the ways to avoid it

Aarti Srivastava

Even after having all the comforts, good position, good salary package and working in a reputed company, people are not happy today. Despite having everything desired in life, many people today are living under extreme stress. It is also being seen that many times the stress becomes so overwhelming that either the person commits suicide or takes the life of the person due to whom he is facing problems. So many times he becomes bent on killing over a small issue. Stress is also causing the disintegration of families. Why has our happiness been eclipsed? What are the causes of stress and what are the ways to avoid it? Let us investigate this very thing today.

One has to pay a big price to reach the top position

If you analyze, you will find that to achieve a good position at the workplace, a person has to work hard for hours. Only after continuous hard work a person reaches a senior position. Only then, at the end of the month, after adding the salary and perks, he is able to bring home a huge amount. At the same time, despite being talented and working hard, people are not able to get the position and money that they deserve. Working like this for long hours not only affects our body but also our intelligence and our emotional level. As a result, we become very tired. In fact, when we work like this for hours, it exploits a lot of our internal energy. Thus, to reach the top position a person has to pay a huge price. Psychoanalysts also agree that in the race to surpass others, a person ignores his health, personal relationships, social life, his interests, everything. But there comes a time when he wants to return to his family, friends and loved ones. One wants to live a peaceful life, but by then it is too late. This is the reason that even after having all the comforts and luxuries, that person is not able to be happy, because there are no people around him to share his happiness. After reaching this point the person finds himself completely alone. This loneliness causes sadness and dissatisfaction, which gradually increases his stress level.

Learn to balance personal, social and professional life

Our elders have always considered living a simple and balanced life as the key to happiness. This sounds simple, but its meaning is very deep, if understood. Today more than ever, the way people are under stress and trying to live their lives in loneliness and away from their loved ones, we need to imbibe the lessons of our elders. Along with this, we will also have to learn to remain content in every situation. This does not mean that we do not seek solutions to the problem, or do not try to move forward. Rather, we should make our efforts, but there is no need to be impatient or tense about our situation. Not only this, we also have to learn to maintain balance in personal, social and professional life. All these aspects have equal importance in our life and it is very important to give equal time to all of them. As important as it is to be professionally successful, equally important for us is the emotional happiness and joy we feel with our family. The feeling of belongingness and intimacy that we feel with our friends and relatives is also very important for our happy life. Giving equal time to all of these means ensuring that we have many ways to relieve stress and live a full and joyful life.

Understand the importance of the role of your loved ones

Man is a social animal, who along with his need for companionship also needs to feel that he has someone close to him. Our friends, family, relatives, neighbours, colleagues, children all play a very important role in our lives. All these make us feel that we too have someone who loves us and wants us. Strong family ties and deep emotional bonds with people positively influence a person’s health. Due to which our stress goes away.

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