
Holika Dahan 2024: Fire in Holika Dahan will tell you how will be the future of your village, keep an eye on the flame to know the signs.

Holika Dahan 2024: Holika Dahan will be done today. The auspicious time for Holika Dahan is Sunday night of 24th March. At the time of Holika Dahan, a wonderful combination of Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga, Ravi Yoga and Mercury Aditya Yoga is being formed. This time there will be Bhadra Dosh, hence Holika Dahan will be possible at night instead of evening. According to the Hindu calendar, this time there will be only one hour and 20 minutes time for Holika Dahan. Holika Dahan is performed every year on the full moon day of Phalgun month. It is a religious belief that there should be no shadow of Bhadra at the time of Holika Dahan. There is a possibility of untoward incident if Holika Dahan is done during Bhadra. The direction of Holika fire also tells the future.

The direction of the wind will determine financial condition and health.

The direction of the wind decides how the time till the next Holi will be for health, employment, education, business, agriculture and economy. The direction in which the smoke rises when Holika is burnt can be known about the future. If the fire of Holika Dahan rises straight up then it is considered very auspicious. If the Holika fire leans towards the south, it is considered a sign of diseases and accidents in the country.

It is very auspicious for the flame to rise towards the sky.

At the time of Holika Dahan, if the flame is straight and rises towards the sky, then everything is good till the next Holi. Especially big positive changes take place in the power and administrative areas. The possibility of major loss of life or natural disaster is also less. Problems will end through worship and donations.

It is very auspicious to rise in the east direction.

If the flame of Holika Dahan bends towards the east, it is considered very auspicious, it promotes education, spirituality and religion. Employment possibilities increase, people’s health improves, respect also increases.

These benefits in west direction
If the fire of Holi rises towards the west, livestock will benefit. There is economic progress, but gradually there is a possibility of some natural disasters. There is no major loss. During this period, challenges increase but success also increases.

Happiness and peace if you rise in the north direction
At the time of Holika Dahan, if the fire is towards the north, then happiness and peace increases in the country and society. Due to the residence of Kuber and other deities in this direction, economic progress occurs. Medicine, education, agriculture and trade flourish.

South direction is harmful
Leaning of Holika Dahan fire in the south direction is considered inauspicious. Due to Holika flame being in the south direction, there is a possibility of increase in fights and disputes. A situation of war and unrest also arises, due to the influence of Yama in this direction, there is a possibility of increase in diseases and accidents.

Holi 2024 Date: When will it be auspicious to play Holi with colors? 25th or 26th March, clear your confusion regarding the date.

Hari Har Puja will eliminate all the sins

Hari-Har puja should be done on the day of Holika Dahan. Hari means Lord Vishnu and Har means Shiva. Prahlad’s life was saved only because of his devotion to Vishnu on the full moon day of Phalgun month. Since then, every year on Phalgun Purnima, the tradition of worshiping Vishnu along with Holika Dahan is going on. But at the same time, by worshiping Lord Shiva on this day, diseases start getting cured and all kinds of defects also get eliminated, hence scholars have prescribed the method of worshiping Hari Har on this festival.

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