
Holi 2024: Liquor worth Rs 80 crore may be sold on Holi

The excise department in Jharkhand has set a target of selling liquor worth Rs 428 crore in the state this month. Till March 22, liquor worth Rs 253 crore was sold. At the same time, liquor worth Rs 80 crore can be sold during Holi. Last year, two days before Holi, liquor worth about Rs 70 crore was sold.

Last year liquor worth Rs 139 crore was sold in a week

At the same time, during Holi last year, liquor worth Rs 139 crore was sold in a week. There is a possibility of sales of more than Rs 150 crore this year. At the same time, till now in March, 80 percent of the liquor has been sold in Chatra as compared to the maximum target.

Lowest liquor sales in these districts

In Deoghar, Dhanbad, Giridih, Bokaro and Palamu, sales have been the lowest compared to the set target. A target of total sales of Rs 77.59 crore has been set in Ranchi in March. Here, a campaign is being run across the state to stop illegal sale of liquor.

Also Read: Security preparations completed during Holi, 8000 additional forces will be deployed in Jharkhand

Union demands change in product policy

General Secretary of Jharkhand Liquor Traders Association, Subodh Kumar Jaiswal has requested for change in the product policy. He said that liquor shops should be allotted in the state through lottery system like before. This will also increase revenue. He said that in the year 2018-19, revenue of Rs 2009 crore was earned from liquor.

Also Read : People of Jharkhand drank liquor worth Rs 70 crore on Holi, residents of the capital are the most fond of it.

Government got revenue of Rs 2056 crore from liquor in 2022-23

After this, after Covid, revenue of Rs 2056 crore was received in the year 2022-23. This year the target is Rs 2360 crore revenue. He said that there is every possibility of increase in revenue in the state. The union had also given suggestions to the government regarding increase in revenue. Revenue of up to Rs 3500 crore can be generated from liquor in the state.

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