
Hit by the weather: Farmers are giving courage in putting paddy straw in the scorching heat and keeping it alive…

Shivhar: A week has passed since the month of Ashadh started for the farmers to start farming in Shivhar district situated in the lap of Bagmati river. But there is no trace of monsoon clouds anywhere in the district. The blazing fire from the sun emanating from above and the scorching heat and gusts of the westerly wind have started turning the soil red by squeezing the moisture out of the fields. In such a situation, the courage of the farmers is giving the answer for arranging paddy straw to keep it alive. Farmers say that save the little boy or his own life.

The target has been achieved to destroy paddy straw in 24 thousand 900 hectares

On the other hand, District Agriculture Officer Kamlesh Kumar said that in case of delay of monsoon for 6 to 8 weeks, under the contingency plan, a proposal for Arhar 500 quintals, Maize 600 quintals, Zucchini 200 quintals, Peas input 400 quintals was sent to the Directorate of Agriculture. Is. He said that the target has been set by the government to destroy paddy straw in 24 thousand 900 hectare in the entire Shivhar district, in which 10 percent is targeted to destroy paddy straw. As of now, about 30 percent of the stubble has been felled in about 770 hectares. In which Arhar has been sown in 420 hectares, Maize in 790 hectares, Urid in 7 hectares, Moong in 35 hectares, Marua in 115 hectares, Sesame in 17 hectares.

Agricultural facilities are being given to farmers at subsidized rates

The agriculture officer said that manure and fertilizers are available in sufficient quantity in all the shops of the district. And below 10 years of age Prabhed paddy seeds are being distributed at Rs 20 per kg and above 10 years at Rs 15 per kg and Shankar paddy or high breed is being distributed at Rs 100 per kg. And under observation, free (medicine, seed, soil testing, scientific technical and other) facilities are available at Rs.3600 per acre under 100 percent grant. Along with this, grants from Rs 500 per hectare to Rs 750 per hectare have been given to the farmers for plant protection, chemicals, weed control and medicines for use in Kharif in micronutrients. On the other hand, under the Chief Minister’s Rapid Seed Expansion Scheme, 90 percent of the grant-in-aid on paddy for the Kharif season or Rs. 40 per kg, which will be less in both the minimum amount.

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