
Hepatitis: Know from the doctor the difference, symptoms and prevention between hepatitis B and C.

Hepatitis: Hepatitis cases are increasing very rapidly in India. Global Hepatitis Report 2024 has been released by the World Health Organization (WHO). In which it is said that around the world 2.9 crore people are suffering from Hepatitis B and 0.55 crore people are suffering from Hepatitis C.

Out of which the highest number of hepatitis cases have been reported in India. It has been told in this report that in the year 2022, more than 50,000 new cases of Hepatitis B have come to light in India alone and 1.4 lakh cases of Hepatitis C have come to light. Out of which about 1.23 lakh people have also died. Today, Dr. Vidyapati will know the difference, symptoms and prevention between Hepatitis B and C…

What is the difference between hepatitis B and C?

These two are different viruses and both are blood born. In common language, both hepatitis B and C spread through blood contact. Both these viruses attack the liver the most. Hepatitis B medicine has to be taken for a long time. Whereas hepatitis C virus can be eliminated in the short term only.

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Symptoms of Hepatitis

Loss of appetite.
Feeling like vomiting.
Pain in stomach.
Having high fever.
Gradual yellowing of eyes.
urine becoming yellow,
Feeling tired.
Stopping digestion of food.

prevention of hepatitis

Use sterile injections.
Avoid using someone else’s blade or razor.
Avoid getting tattoos or piercings.

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