
Heat Stroke: Heat stroke is fatal, what are the symptoms and ways to avoid it

Heat Stroke: A large number of people die due to heat stroke during the summer season. People do not know much about heat stroke, hence they do not know about its symptoms and lose their lives.

Central government issued warning about heat stroke

Summer season has arrived. It will be extremely hot soon. People will not only suffer from various types of seasonal diseases, heat related diseases will also start increasing. The central government has already issued a warning of heat stroke. In such a situation, it is important to know what is heat stroke? How to protect yourself from heat stroke? If heat stroke has occurred, how is it possible to treat it? What effect does it have on children and the elderly?

In this regard, BollywoodWallah (prabhatkhabar.com) had a special conversation with Dr. Vidyapati, Head of the Department of Medicine, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Jharkhand’s largest government hospital, and tried to know what heat stroke is and how it can be prevented. Can survive. What are its symptoms and what is its diagnosis?

Heat stroke does not come suddenly, it gives many signs first.

Dr. Vidyapati told that heat stroke does not come suddenly. Before this he gives many signals. If you recognize that signal, heat stroke will not occur. He will be treated easily. If you ignore those symptoms, you may become a victim of heat stroke. Heat stroke can also kill you.

Be aware of problems caused by heat

Dr. Vidyapati told that before heat stroke, you should be aware of the problems caused by heat. He said that if you start having muscle pain and feeling tired, then understand that the sun and heat are beginning to affect your body. If vomiting and high fever occur along with these symptoms, then you should be alert. Understand that you have fallen victim to mild heat stroke.

Heat stroke is a big problem, death can occur

Dr. Vidyapati says that heat stroke is a big problem. Heat stroke also becomes the cause of death. Its treatment is not possible at home. Even in the hospital, only those people who get timely medical treatment can save their lives. He said that when the temperature inside the body goes above 40 degrees, then heat stroke occurs. Generally, people consider any disease related to heat as heat stroke.

What is heat stroke?

Heat stroke is a problem that occurs during the summer season, which, if not treated on time, can even lead to the death of the person.

How to avoid heat stroke?

Heat stroke occurs due to heat. Sweats a lot. Both water and salt of the body are reduced. Therefore one should drink water continuously. One should keep taking salt-water solution. There should be no shortage of water and salt in the body. Keep drinking ORS solution again and again. If it is not necessary, do not go out of the house in the sun.

Where is heat stroke treatment possible?

In case of heat stroke, it is not possible to treat it at home. It can be treated only in some hospital. That too, when the patient gets timely medical care. Therefore, if symptoms of heat stroke are identified, immediately take the patient to the nearest hospital.

What is the effect of heat stroke on children and elderly?

Immunity of children and elderly is low. Therefore, these people are at high risk of heat stroke during the summer season. Therefore there is a need to be very careful.

What will happen if you are not careful about heat exhaustion?

Heat exhaustion occurs before heat stroke. If you were careless due to heat exhaustion and did not take precautions. If you keep going out in the heat, your risk of heat stroke increases.

Who get heat stroke?

Heat stroke develops in two ways. If you are continuously exercising or playing in the sun, even a healthy person can get heat stroke. On the other hand, if you are ill and stay in the sun for a long time, heat stroke can occur despite not exercising.

What happens in heat stroke?

If the internal temperature of a person’s body reaches 40 degrees centigrade or more, there is a possibility of heat stroke. This cannot be detected even with a thermometer. For internal temperature, rector temperature has to be taken. Along with heat, it also starts affecting the brain, then it is considered that heat stroke has occurred. That means, along with heat, if the head starts feeling dizzy, there is complaint of shock, the patient becomes unconscious, then it will be understood that he has got heat stroke.

What will happen if you are not careful about heat exhaustion?

Heat exhaustion occurs before heat stroke. If you were careless due to heat exhaustion and did not take precautions. If you keep going out in the heat, your risk of heat stroke increases.

What is heat syncope?

A person suddenly falls due to heat. Becomes unconscious for some time. This is called heat syncope. However, he regains consciousness after some time.

What about heat cramps, heat syncope and heat exhaustion?

Heat stroke is preceded by heat cramps, heat syncope and heat exhaustion. If one is not alerted to heat cramps, syncope and heat exhaustion, heat stroke occurs and due to this, the patient may even die.

What are the symptoms of heat stroke?

  • There is severe pain in the muscles.
  • The mouth starts becoming dry.
  • The body starts sweating profusely.
  • Start feeling nauseous.
  • Severe headache starts.
  • You will start feeling weakness.
  • Will not feel like doing any work.
  • From time to time, the power to think also begins to weaken.
  • Blood pressure starts decreasing.
  • Pulse rate increases.
  • It feels like a dream is coming.

What precautions should be taken to avoid heat stroke?

  • The body uses its own mechanism to remove heat. Some people sweat a lot from their body. Due to this both water and salt are removed from the body. If you have to go in the sun, take some precautions.
  • Drink adequate amount of fluids before leaving home. keep taking water electrolyte powder
  • Keep taking the solution of salt, sugar and water, take this solution even after coming out from the sun, it will prevent dehydration.
  • use an umbrella
  • wear loose-fitting clothes, wear cotton clothes
  • Avoid direct exposure to sun
  • Synthetic cloth does not allow your body heat to escape. Cotton cloth expels heat.

What to do if you get heat stroke?

  • First of all, take the patient to a cool place.
  • Take off all his clothes.
  • Give him a bath with cold water.
  • Lay it down in a cool place.
  • Make him lie down on his left or right side and run a fan or cooler, so that his entire body can get cool air.
  • Keep sponging his body again and again, that is, keep cleaning the body with sponge water.
  • Many times the patient has to be made to lie down in ice water, then his body temperature reduces.
  • If the body temperature is not reduced in heat stroke, it has serious consequences.

What is the effect of heat stroke?

  • Many parts of the body start getting affected in heat stroke.
  • Heart, kidney and liver start getting affected.
  • Difficulty in breathing starts.
  • Heat stroke can cause multiorgan failure.

Pay attention to 3 things in the hospital

  • The patient can breathe properly.
  • Circulation has to be corrected.
  • In the hospital, IV fluid should be given by putting it on a monitor.

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Also Read: Hospital prepared for heat stroke, adequate stocks of ORS and medicines kept

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Also Read: Health Department issued suggestions to avoid heat stroke in Jharkhand, take care of yourself like this

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