
Heart patients increased as the cold increased in Patna, more than 60 cases of heart attack reached the hospital in two days.

Patna. As the number of heart attack patients has increased in the last two days in government hospitals as well as private hospitals, the number of patients admitted has increased. More than 60 patients have been admitted in PMCH, IGIMS and AIIMS. At the same time, information has been received about more than 75 patients admitted in private hospitals of the capital. Some of them are admitted in emergency and ICU. Due to this, there is a shortage of beds in government hospitals. Family members are having to struggle to get new patients admitted.

Blood vessels of the body shrink due to cold

General Physician Amit Kumar said that there is a risk of heart attack in winter because the blood vessels of the body shrink due to cold. Due to this, blood circulation in the veins of the heart reduces and due to this blood pressure increases. Due to this heart attack occurs.

As the cold increases, the number of heart patients increases

Medical Officer of New Gardiner Road Hospital, Dr. Rupam said that with the increase in cold, the number of heart patients has increased. Due to this, the number of BP and heart attack patients has increased rapidly every day. This includes people between 40 and 60 years of age. According to the information received, today more than 12 patients have been admitted in government hospitals PMCH 23, IGIMS 25 and AIIMS.

Risk of heart attack increases by 31 percent in cold

Doctors say that in today’s busy life, people are unable to pay attention to their body. Due to which they become vulnerable to many diseases. To prevent these, we should include healthy diet, yoga, exercise etc. in our daily routine. The cold weather has already arrived. Heart patients need special attention in winter. Actually, cases of heart attack increase in cold. According to a research report, those who already have heart related diseases. In winter, their risk of heart attack increases by 31 percent.

Heart patients need more attention

Regarding the increase in number of heart patients as the temperature falls, Dr. Jeevan said that heart patients need more attention in the cold season. In cold weather, people are not able to pay attention to their body, especially heart patients. People drink less water during winter season, whereas you should drink enough water as per the needs of the body. Its quantity should not be too much. Heart patients should not go for morning walk in cold weather. Do not eat too much food in this season. Take a balanced and nutritious diet.

Regular exercise is important in cold weather

Dr. Jeevan said that there should not be any deficiency of Vitamin D in the body during the cold season. For this, you can take Vitamin D tablets after consulting a doctor. You should do regular exercise or yoga, which will keep your body fit and you will remain healthy. Dr. Jeevan said that people of Bihar, especially Patna, are not aware of their bodies. They must get their routine checkup done once a year.

Risk of heart attack increased after Corona

Here, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal, the hearts of patients who have recovered from Corona virus have been deeply affected. After treatment of infection, they are showing symptoms like difficulty in breathing and chest pain. The functioning of the heart is being adversely affected, which is visible for a long time. This is the reason why heart attack cases have increased significantly after the Corona period. Younger people have also suffered heart attacks.

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