
Health Tips: Never make the mistake of feeding these 6 things to small children, the consequences can be bad.

Diet plays an important role in children’s health. Proper nutrition is very important for their growth, development and overall well-being. A balanced diet provides essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals for the physical and cognitive development of the child. In such a situation, it is very important to understand whether you are giving the right diet to your child or not. Here are 6 types of food which you should not give to your child even by mistake, otherwise it can have adverse effects on the health of the child. So let us know what are those 6 food items.

processed food

Chips, cookies, crackers and other processed snacks are often high in unhealthy fats, sodium and artificial ingredients. In such a situation, instead of these unhealthy things, choose healthy breakfast options like fresh fruits, vegetables, or homemade breakfast.

energy drinks

Avoid giving energy drinks to children, as these drinks often contain high levels of caffeine, sugar and other stimulants, which can have negative effects on their developing bodies and sleep patterns. Instead, opt for water or other healthy beverages.

junk food

Children like eating outside more than home. Be it momo, chameen or other fast food, avoid feeding these things to children. Junk food contains high amounts of unhealthy fats and sodium. Homemade food using fresh ingredients is a healthy option.

fried foods

Eating too much fried food or food items fried in unhealthy oil is not good for the health of children. It contains high amount of unhealthy fats which can increase the risk of heart disease and obesity.

sweet drinks

Avoid giving children sweetened beverages like soda, soft drinks and canned juices, as these drinks provide empty calories and can lead to weight gain, tooth decay and other health problems.


If you are packing a child’s tiffin for school, make sure not to include instant noodles in the lunch box. Made from refined flour and loaded with preservatives, they have no nutritional value. These noodles contain only calories and are also harmful for the intestine.

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