
Health Tips: Know your health condition from the color of your tongue

Health Tips: You all must have heard this fact that whenever we are sick and go to the doctor, the first thing they ask is to take out our tongue. But, have you ever wondered why they ask you to do this? Let us tell you that doctors do this so that they can find out what problem has happened to you. Doctors can detect your problem only by slight changes in the color or texture of the tongue. Doctors suggest medicines to you only after looking at the color and texture of your tongue. Many reports or should we say research has revealed that your tongue can tell about many diseases ranging from cancer to diabetes. Today we are going to tell you how you can find out your health from the color of your tongue.

redness of tongue

If the color of your tongue has become red, then it can be a cause for concern for you. Sometimes this happens due to lack of vitamins and sometimes it can be a sign of a disease called Kawasaki. The effect of this disease can be seen more in children.

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blackening of tongue

The color of the tongue of many people becomes black. Many times this happens because they consume antacid tablets. This is not a serious problem and if you clean your mouth properly then this problem goes away. But, sometimes this problem also occurs in diabetic patients. If you are not taking antacid tablets, yet the color of your tongue is turning black, then you should immediately contact the doctor.

white spots on tongue

If you see white spots or stains or a coating on your tongue, it could be a sign of yeast infection. You can see this problem more in small children and elderly people. This can happen to you even if you consume tobacco.

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burning sensation in tongue

If there is a burning sensation in your tongue then it may be due to acidity. Many times this happens due to nerve related problems. In such a situation, it becomes even more important for you to take care of your tongue.

sore on tongue

If you have a wound on your tongue and it is not healing for a long time, then it can be a cause for concern. Not only this, if you are having difficulty in eating, drinking and swallowing then it can be a sign of cancer. In such a situation, you should consult a doctor without any delay.

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