
Health Tips: How to clean the arteries, know here

Health Tips: If you want to fight diseases, then definitely include nutritious elements in your diet. Because by eating this, the body gets rid of problems like fatigue, weakness etc. Because eating junk food increases cholesterol in the body. Due to which obesity starts increasing rapidly. Due to this, the person not only gets diabetes but also increases the risk of BP, heart attack and other diseases. Let us know how to clean the arteries…

eat garlic

If you want to clean the arteries then consume garlic. Because the sulfur present in garlic turns into a gas called hydrogen sulphide. Which helps in expanding blood vessels. Due to which it becomes easier to control blood pressure. It increases blood flow.


Drinking pomegranate juice rapidly improves blood flow and oxygenation in muscle tissues. Because polyphenol antioxidants and nitrates are present in it. Drinking which increases blood flow in a very good way.

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If you want to keep your arteries clean then consume cinnamon. Because it is a hot spice, eating which provides many health benefits. Eating cinnamon increases blood flow in the body. In fact, according to a study, the nutrients present in cinnamon improve the dilation and flow of blood vessels. A person who consumes cinnamon daily will always have clean and proper blood flow in his body.


If you want to clean the arteries then start consuming beetroot. Because it contains the highest amount of nitrate, which our body converts into nitric oxide. Actually, nitric oxide relaxes the blood vessels and significantly increases the blood flow in the muscle tissues.

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