
Health Tips: 5 Yoga Asanas That Increase Your Immunity

5 yoga asanas to increase immunity

Exercising helps boost our metabolism and if you choose the right kind of exercise, it can also boost immunity and strengthen your respiratory system. Practicing specific asanas while focusing on your breath can significantly increase immunity and improve overall health. These are 5 yoga asanas for a healthy immune system or to increase your immunity.

dead body

Shavasana is the easiest and most comfortable asana. This exercise helps you to breathe better and calm your mind. It is also very easy to do this. Lie down comfortably on your back with your arms and legs stretched out. Close your eyes and breathe slowly through your nostrils. Exhale and think that the body is relaxed. Stay in this posture for 10 minutes.


Kneel on the ground keeping your toes together and knees slightly apart from each other. Keep both your hands on your thighs. Exhale and tilt your torso forward. Your stomach should rest on your thighs and your head should touch the mat between your knees. Extend your hands in front of you to touch the mat. Pause, breathe and then return to the starting position.

right angles

Standing in Tadasana, exhale and bend forward with a straight back until your upper body is parallel to the floor. Keep your knees straight and place your hands on your hips or stretch them forward.


Sit in Vajrasana and make a fist by tucking your thumbs inside your fingers. Keep the fists on either side of your navel. Exhale, pull your stomach in and lean forward pressing your fists into your navel. While bending, look forward and exhale.


Lie down on your stomach and spread your legs at the width of the hip and keep the arms by the side. Now bend your knees upwards and move your heels towards your butt. Hold the ankles of both your feet with your hands. Breathe in and lift your chest and legs off the ground. Keeping your face straight, stretch your legs as far as possible. Your body should be as tight as a bow. Stop for 4-5 breaths and then come back to the starting position.

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