
Health: Protect your eyes from the problem of dryness in winter, know the solution

Dr. Sameer Sood, Ophthalmologist

In winter, smog-fog, cold and dry winds full of allergens affect our overall health. Our eyes also do not remain untouched by these. Complaints of dryness in eyes are seen. On top of that, screen time usually increases during winters, which causes problems like burning and itching in the eyes.

It is important to take care of eyes

It is important for everyone, big or small, to take care of their eyes in winter. For this it is important to follow some things. If you make these a part of your daily routine, you can avoid eye problems.

It is important to stay hydrated

The most important thing is to try to protect the eyes from dryness in winter. If you are running a heater in the house, keep a bucket of water nearby, which will maintain humidity in the room. This will keep the eyes moisturized. In winter, less water is often drunk, due to which the entire body is affected. If you don’t want to drink cold water, you can drink lukewarm water. You can also consume soup and juice.

blink more

To protect the eyes from dryness, the most important thing is to blink the eyelids. Especially while reading and looking at mobile or computer screen, one should try to blink the eyes as much as possible. Often, while working on the screen, there is more focus on work and the process of blinking automatically reduces and there is a problem of dryness in the eyes. This problem increases in winter.

reduce screen time

In winter, the problem of dryness in eyes is most common among those who use mobile phones under quilts and blankets. To avoid these, it is important to reduce screen time. If it is not possible then take breaks in between.

Avoid self medication

In case of any kind of problem, consult an eye specialist. Do not do self-medication, because steroid medicines can be harmful for the eyes. It would be better that if the eyes are itching during the winter season, then an eye specialist should be consulted once. Along with this, to keep the eyes healthy, a diet rich in Vitamin A, C, E and carotenoids should be consumed.

Wear sunglasses even in winter

Generally we do not wear sunglasses while going out in winter. Although there is less sunlight at this time compared to summer, still the ultraviolet index of the sun’s rays is higher. Also, the problem of environmental pollution is at its peak in this season. Due to smog and fog, the pollutants present in the air affect the eyes. To avoid these, you must wear sunglasses or face shield while going out.

Take care of hygiene

Due to increased dryness in the eyes in winter, the problem of itching also arises. Rubbing or rubbing eyes with dirty hands increases the possibility of infection. In such a situation, it is important to wash hands before touching the eyes. Rubbing the eyes should be avoided as far as possible.

Conversation: Rajni Arora

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