
Health Care: The sting of dengue intensifies, know the causes, symptoms and home remedies


Health Care:Dengue is spread by mosquitoes that spread the virus. Knowing the signs and symptoms of dengue can help in early detection and faster recovery. This virus enters the human bloodstream through mosquito bites. The mosquito carries the virus in its saliva. After entering your blood, the virus starts multiplying. This deadly mosquito-borne disease, dengue, is caused by the bite of a female mosquito during the day. It is also known as break bone fever because it causes pain like breaking of bones. High fever is the most common symptom of dengue. Initial symptoms start with severe headache.

severe pain behind the eyes

nausea or vomiting

muscle and joint pain

Someone may start feeling symptoms four to ten days after a mosquito bite. These symptoms may last for three to seven days.

Dengue In Jharkhand

What are the home remedies for dengue?

Neem leaf – Neem leaf extract can prevent the growth of dengue virus. Neem leaves can be used to help prevent infection. Boil some fresh neem leaves in water. Drinking this water can help you recover quickly.

Papaya – Papaya leaves are used to treat dengue fever. Papaya leaves can help increase platelet count, white blood cells and neutrophils in people. Increasing platelet count can help stop bleeding, thereby preventing disease progression. The juice is prepared by grinding fresh papaya leaves with water.

Kalmegh, also known as Andrographis paniculata, is a medicinal herb that is effective in a variety of diseases. To get relief from dengue symptoms, you can drink Kalmegh juice with a glass of water.

Bitter gourd – To get relief from dengue, you can also make bitter gourd juice.

Tulsi – Inhibitory action of Tulsi leaves against dengue virus has been observed Tulsi has antibacterial properties. Tulsi water is beneficial.

Giloy helps the patient to maintain metabolic rate and improve the immune system. Its stem can be boiled and consumed as a herbal drink.

Kasuri fenugreek leaves help in reducing fever and pain. They can be soaked in water and then mixed to make juice.

To fight against dengue fever, consumption of fenugreek powder helps in headache, nausea and fever along with antiviral properties.

When to seek medical help?

If not treated on time, dengue can turn into a serious infection which can be fatal. You should contact your health care professional if you experience any symptoms. Dengue victims recover easily with proper treatment and medical procedures in hospitals

Dengue prevention measures

To prevent dengue, you can stop it from spreading by following some easy methods in your daily life.

Do not leave water storage tanks open

Stagnant water can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes, so do not allow water to accumulate in and around the house.

Dry your cooler regularly so that mosquitoes cannot lay eggs in it

Mosquitoes can be prevented from biting by applying mosquito repellent cream to open areas both day and night

Always check the water accumulated in dustbins near you after rain

Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants to cover your skin, or apply mosquito repellent

Keep window and door screens secure and leak-free to prevent mosquitoes from coming in contact with you.

Always clean dustbins on a daily basis and do not allow dirt to accumulate in one place for several days

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