
Health Care: Is there a habit of taking salt from above in food, to save the heart, change the habit

Health Care: Consuming too much salt is not good for heart health. Many people have heard that but very few people adopt it in their lifestyle. Actually salt is a silent killer for heart health. A person should consume less than 5 grams of sodium every day. Excessive salt intake can have a bad effect on the heart. According to health experts, health complications arising out of salt are increasing these days because a large population is dependent on processed foods and food which contain sodium in huge amounts.


Human beings require a small amount of salt for the functioning of the body. Humans require small amounts of sodium to conduct nerve impulses, manage muscle contractions, and maintain the proper balance of minerals and water within the body. It is estimated that approximately 500 mg of sodium per day is necessary for these functions. Excess of sodium in the diet can contribute to high blood pressure, heart diseases and stroke. Additionally, it may induce a loss of calcium, some of which may be leached from the bones. A large number of Indians consume at least 8-9 mg of sodium every day which is more than the actual requirements of the body.


Salt contains sodium. Consuming more sodium can increase blood pressure. High blood pressure puts a strain on the heart, which increases the risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Consuming excessive salt can lead to fluid accumulation in the body, which can lead to swelling and increase the workload on the heart. Salt can contribute to hardening of the arteries, making them less flexible, which can increase blood pressure and put a strain on the heart. The upshot is that high salt intake is often associated with an unhealthy diet high in processed foods, which can contribute to heart disease risk factors such as obesity and diabetes.


Which option to choose instead of salt?

  • Herbs and Spices – Use herbs and spices like garlic, turmeric, ginger, oregano and cinnamon to add flavor to your food instead of relying on salt

  • Lemon and Vinegar – Spice up dishes by adding a squeeze of lemon juice or a splash of vinegar, which can add tartness without relying on salt.

  • salt substitutes – Consider using salt substitutes that contain less sodium or potassium chloride as a healthier alternative to regular table salt.

  • consuming fresh ingredients Choose fresh fruits, vegetables and lean proteins as they naturally contain less sodium than processed and packaged foods.

  • read food labels Watch the sodium content of packaged foods and choose low-sodium or no-salt versions whenever possible

  • Decrease gradually, not all at once – Gradually reduce your salt intake over time so that your taste buds can set to lower sodium levels.

  • Hydration: Stay well hydrated with water, as proper hydration can help maintain electrolyte balance and reduce the need for excessive salt. Remember, it is best for your health to consult a health care professional or dietitian for personalized advice on reducing salt intake and managing your risk of heart disease.


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