
Health Care: Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables in winter, enjoy health with taste.

Health Care: Our digestive process remains healthy during winter season. Whatever you eat, everything is easily digested. Our metabolism is also high in this season, which helps in improving our digestion process. For this reason it is necessary to consume the right fruits and vegetables. Vegetables and fruits also have taste in this season. In such a situation, you can enjoy the taste along with health. Staying healthy is possible only by consuming seasonal fruits and vegetables. Anyway, our Jharkhand state is full of greens and vegetables, so take advantage of it. RIMS dietician Kumari Meenakshi is giving special information about this.

Seasonal Vegetable Soup

Seasonal Vegetable Soup Keeps Warm: Dietician Kumari Meenakshi told that seasonal vegetable soup keeps the body warm. Seasonal vegetables and fruits work as anti-oxidants. Most of the vegetables found in this season contain anti-oxidants. These contain all the minerals. It works to increase immunity along with keeping the body warm.

consumption of greens

Be sure to eat greens

One must consume greens during the cold season, which contain minerals and vitamins in abundance. Whereas in other seasons one does not get its benefit. Hot vegetable soup will save you from cold and cough. In this season, vitamins are found in abundance in green fresh vegetables like peas, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, beans etc. Whereas broccoli and green cabbage contain abundant amount of anti-oxidants.

Bathua Saag Benefits

Bathua greens strengthen the heart. Adequate amount of vitamins and minerals.

In this season almost all types of vegetables are available in Jharkhand. Bathua greens are nectar for health, which contain high amount of vitamins and minerals. It also contains high amount of Vitamin A, which melts the stones also. That’s why Bathua is also eaten. It is also very good for the eyes. Consuming it also relieves stomach problems.

Health Benefits of Mustard Saag

Omega three is found in mustard greens, beneficial for heart and liver.

Omega three is found in mustard greens. It is very beneficial for our body. Works a lot for our heart and liver. Makes our heart stronger. Mustard greens are very important for the heart. Omega three is very essential for the heart. Mustard contains fatty acids. Whereas gram greens contain minerals and vitamins. This must be eaten.


Madua is rich in iron and calcium.

Madua contains iron and calcium in abundance. There is also a lot of fiber in it. This is very beneficial for the patient. Therefore, Madua should be consumed throughout the year including the cold season, which is necessary for every patient. Use multi grains in this season. Use paddy, millet and maize. In which minerals and phosphorus are found in abundance. Its use is very beneficial in winter.


Orange protects dull skin in winter

Make sure to use orange in this season. In winter the skin often becomes dry and lifeless. In such a situation, orange helps in rejuvenating the skin. Vitamin C is found in abundance in it. In this season our metabolism is high, which improves our digestion process. Whatever you eat. Orange and seasonal fruits also solve skin problems. The spots and blemishes are removed. Stomach remains clean and hair does not fall.


Vitamin C is highest in Amla

Amla is very beneficial in cold weather. Vitamin C is found in highest quantity in it. In comparison to other fruits and vegetables, maximum amount of Vitamin C is found in Amla. It is easily available in this season. These are anti-oxidants, which fight the diseases occurring in our body in this season.

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