
Health Care: Bad cholesterol wreaks havoc on the heart, know ways to reduce it naturally

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Density Lipoprotein (HDL)HDL cholesterol, often referred to as “good” cholesterol, serves to collect cholesterol from the bloodstream and transport it to the liver for elimination. After this, the liver removes this cholesterol from the body. Higher levels of HDL cholesterol are associated with lower chances of heart disease and stroke.

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The amount of cholesterol is controlled by your diet and the origin of your body. Cholesterol at high levels can be harmful to your health, especially after normal age. Therefore, it is important to monitor cholesterol levels by eating a good diet, exercising regularly, and following the doctor’s advice.

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Bad lifestyle habits like smoking, excessive alcohol, and other lifestyle disorders like diabetes and high blood pressure damage the inner delicate lining of the blood vessels. The LDL cholesterol then crosses the damaged endothelium and begins to collect in the artery wall. The white blood cells try to digest the LDL cholesterol and over the years the combination of cholesterol and cells becomes a cholesterol plaque in the artery wall. These plaques can build up slowly and make the arteries hard and narrow, which slows or blocks the blood flow to your heart. Sometimes the plaque may burst suddenly causing blood to clot inside the blood vessel leading to stroke and heart attack.

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Risk factors for high LDL are:

  • Dietary sources of saturated fat and cholesterol

  • Excess weight increases the LDL level and lowers the HDL level.

  • Lack of physical activity.

  • Smoking lowers your HDL cholesterol.

  • Diabetes and thyroid disorders.

  • genetics. High cholesterol can run in families.

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The ideal LDL cholesterol value is below 100. If lifestyle measures alone are not sufficient in lowering LDL cholesterol, then medications can be started. One of the most important steps you can take to lower cholesterol is to follow a heart-healthy diet. Additionally, include sources of healthy fats such as nuts, seeds and avocados, while limiting saturated and trans fats found in red meat, full-fat dairy and processed foods. Aim to exercise daily.

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Lowering cholesterol naturally is very important to maintain good heart health and reduce the risk of heart diseases.

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Lifestyle changes such as adopting a healthy diet, increasing physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight and managing stress can naturally lower cholesterol levels significantly. If you are concerned about your cholesterol level or any other health condition, it is important to consult a physician for personalized advice and guidance.

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