
Happy New Year 2024: New Year is celebrated not once but five times in India, know here when and why

Happy New Year 2024: India is a country where people of many religions, castes, cultures and traditions live together. They all celebrate their festivals together and also wish each other. The Constitution also respects the concept of unity in diversity of India. You will hardly see this sentiment in any other country. This characteristic makes it different from the rest in the whole world.

According to the English calendar, New Year is celebrated every year on January 1, which is celebrated all over the country. On this day people come together and congratulate their close ones. They also give gifts and sweets etc. But January 1 is not the only New Year which is celebrated in our country. In this country which believes in the principle of unity in diversity, New Year is celebrated five times a year. Don’t be surprised to hear this, it is absolutely true. These new years are celebrated according to the beliefs of different religions and sects. On these New Years too, an atmosphere similar to that of January is seen. Despite belonging to different sects, people celebrate these New Years together, which adds to their celebration. Here we will tell you when people of which religion and sect celebrate their New Year.

Christian New Year

Roman ruler Julius Caesar first celebrated January 1 as New Year. But later, Pope Gregory made some amendments in it and after consulting his best religious leader, created a new Gregorian calendar by adding leap year. In this also the New Year was celebrated on 1st January only. From then till today, New Year is celebrated on January 1 all over the world according to the Gregorian calendar.

hindu new year

The largest number of people of Hindu community live in India. Therefore, they celebrate their New Year only on the Pratipada date of Chaitra Shukla Paksha. The belief behind this is that in Dev Yuga, Brahma ji started the creation of the universe from this day. That is why this day is celebrated as New Year. Vikram Samvat also started from this day itself.

Parsi New Year

Zoroastrianism is the oldest religion in the world, it is also called Zoroastrian religion. This religion was founded by Saint Zarathushtra. Before the arrival of Islam, Zoroastrian religion was prevalent in ancient Iran. There is a significant number of people of Parsi community in the country. Parsi people celebrate their New Year as Navroz on 19 August. It is believed that it was first celebrated by Shah Jamshedji 3000 years ago.

punjabi new year

Sikhism was founded by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in the 15th century. Sikhism is different from Islam and Hinduism. It is a monotheistic religion and emphasizes the equality of all men and women. Sikhs live mainly in Punjab, but they also have a significant presence in many other parts of India. According to the Sikh Nanakshahi calendar, people of Sikh religion celebrate their New Year from the day of Vaisakhi.

Jainism New Year

Jainism is a branch of eternal knowledge of Sanatan culture. It is an ancient religion and philosophy originating from the Shramana tradition of India. Jainism was originated by Lord Mahavir in the sixth century BC. People of Jain community celebrate their New Year from the next day of Diwali. It is also called Veer Nirvana Samvat.

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