
Haj pilgrimage from Bihar is becoming increasingly expensive, this year four lakhs have to be spent per person

Bhagalpur. Going on Haj has become expensive in last five years. In such a situation, the number of people going is decreasing. From the year 2023, each person will have to spend Rs 4 lakh to go on Haj. The data of last five years shows that more than 300 people used to go for Haj pilgrimage. This year only around 100 online applications have been made for Haj pilgrimage. The last date to apply for Haj pilgrimage is Monday.

In the year 2018, two lakh 65 thousand rupees were spent on Haj pilgrimage.

Hajis who had performed Haj in the past told that in the year 2018, the expenditure was Rs 2 lakh 65 thousand. Haj pilgrimage becomes expensive from the year 2023. Every person has to spend four lakh rupees for Haj pilgrimage. Apart from this, a separate amount has to be spent for one’s own expenses also. According to the information received, about 315 Haj pilgrimages remained closed in the year 2018, about 300 in 2019 and in 2020 due to Corona. About 110 people went on Haj pilgrimage in the year 2021, about 280 in 2022 and 333 in the year 2023.

Have applied for Haj pilgrimage

Mo Shakeel, Mo Rizwan, Mo Kamaluddin, Adil Hussain, Hafiz Aubase, Mo Furkan, Mo Ashfaq Alam, Hafiz Zainul Abedin etc., who had applied for Haj pilgrimage this year, said that Haj pilgrimage has become expensive. But Hajj is one of the biggest pillars of Islam. In such a situation, it is necessary to go on Haj pilgrimage.

Circular issued by Haj Committee of India

In the circular issued by the Haj Committee of India last year, it has been said that people above 70 years of age can also go on Haj pilgrimage with one companion along with them. Along with this, Gaya Embarkation Point has also been restored this time. With this, Haj pilgrims of the state will also be able to take flights for Haj pilgrimage from Gaya Airport. Last year, Bihar was given a quota of 14,042 passengers. Quota was prepared for a total of 1,40,000 people from the country.

The amount will be taken in three installments

Like last year, this time also pilgrims going on Haj 2023 journey from Bihar will have to spend Rs 4,10,000 to 4,35,000. Haj pilgrims will be asked to pay Rs 81,500 in the first installment, Rs 1,70,000 in the second installment and information about the third installment will be given to the passengers after the flight schedule of Bihar is announced.

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