
Hair is becoming dry and lifeless in winter, so take care of it, it will shine even in cold.

Winter Hair Care

If your hair has become dry in winter and your hair has become lifeless, then you need to adopt winter care tips. The reason for dryness of hair in winter is lack of moisture in the air. Due to cold and dry wind, hair starts looking lifeless. To protect your hair from these effects, you need to take extra care of your hair. See here 10 tips that will make hair silky and healthy.

Hair Care

Do not wash hair with hot water

In cold weather, people often wash their hair with hot water. Don’t do this at all. Washing hair with hot water can cause the scalp to lose moisture. Due to this, one may have to face the problem of dandruff in hair and itching in scalp.

Hair Problems

keep hair covered

If you go out in winter, try to keep your hair covered. By protecting the hair from direct air contact, the hair remains safe and the hair remains moisturized. Covering hair can prevent it from becoming dry.

hair care tips

Do not use excessive heat styling

Styling like curlers, straighteners and styling affects your hair. The heat from these tools can break your hair and cause split ends. It is better to use them less or not at all in winter.

winter care

create a care routine

It is important to create a routine for good hair care. For good care of hair, comb twice a day. If your hair is very dry then apply conditioner twice a week. To bring moisture to hair in winter, use hair serum, scalp massage with hot oil and hair mask.

Benefits of Drinking Water

drink plenty of water

It is very important to stay hydrated even in winter. Water is very essential for hair. To regain the lost moisture of hair in winter, it is important to keep yourself hydrated. Hydration allows water to reach the roots of the hair.

Hair Care

Do not wash hair frequently

Do not wash hair continuously during cold weather. By doing this the dryness of the scalp can increase further. Washing hair at short intervals keeps the scalp healthy.

oiling hair

Oil massage is important

It is very important to do oil massage in cold. Due to dry scalp, there may be problem of itching. It is very important to apply oil to hair for healthy and strong hair. Applying oil provides moisture to the hair and scalp and improves blood circulation in the scalp skin.


Adopt this hair routine

For good care of hair, it is important to adopt hair care routine. For this, clean your scalp regularly. After this apply hair oil and then shampoo. By following this routine you can take better care of your hair.

Winter Hair Care

Do deep conditioning

Do deep conditioning for proper hair care. This hydrates the hair. For hair conditioning, you can buy a mask from the market or make a hair conditioning mask at home.

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