
Guruji will learn to speak English for children to speak fluently, ELTI 8500 will give online training to English teacher

Lucknow. The UP government has prepared an action plan so that the children of government schools also speak English like the children of convent schools. About 8500 English teachers in about 7000 government and aided secondary schools in the state will be trained in spoken English through a 132-module course developed by the English Language Training Institute (ELTI), Prayagraj and hosted on the DIKSHA portal of the Ministry of Education. Learn the intricacies of spoken English. Director General of School Education Vijay Kiran Anand has issued instructions to all Joint Directors and District Inspectors of Schools (DIOS) to coordinate and monitor the training starting from June 15.

Each module approximately 10 minutes long

Skand Shukla, Principal of English Language Training Institute, has informed that each module is about 10 minutes long, after which there is an assessment test. Successfully pass the assessment test to generate a certificate of completion of one module and move on to the next. He further added that apart from providing English speaking practice, the curriculum has material on phonetics, basic grammar, syntax and common errors.

Will be available on the portal for four months

“The course follows General Indian English based on British pronunciation,” he said, adding that the DG’s letter mentioned that the course is mandatory for all English teachers and will be available on the portal for four months so that trainees can get more exposure to it. Have the facility to do it more than once. To strengthen their English speaking ability. The DG has also directed the field officers to submit the status report of completion by each teacher to the Additional Project Director, RMSA.

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