
Gurugram: Friendship on social media, then 2 crore rupees cheated from a woman under the guise of custom duty, know the whole matter


Everything is changing with the changing times. Changes are also taking place in the way of doing every work. It has gone so far that there have been many changes in the methods of cheating. In the coming days, we hear many news of fraud, but, today we are going to tell you about such a case, knowing about which you might be very surprised. Actually this matter is of Gurugram in Haryana. Here a 61-year-old woman was allegedly duped of Rs 2 crore. According to the information that came to the fore, the thug first befriended the woman on the social media platform and then carried out the crime.

2 crore cheated on the pretext of paying custom duty

A man allegedly duped a 61-year-old woman of Rs 2 crore on the pretext of paying custom duty in Gurugram, Haryana. The accused had befriended the victim through social media. Police informed about this incident today. He told that Sunita Kapagunta has alleged in her complaint that in December 2022, a person offered her friendship on social media, who described himself as a British Airways pilot. Sunita said in her complaint that on December 5, the accused asked her for her address and phone number in order to send her gift items like iPhone, artificial jewellery, watches and cash. According to the police, the fraudster said that if the woman gives him Rs 35,000, he will send the packet to her.

Registering a case and starting the investigation

Police further said that after Sunita gave the money, another person called her posing as an airport authority official and asked her to pay a fine of Rs 1 lakh. He told that in the same way an amount of Rs 2 crore was cheated from the victim in different ways. According to the victim, when she withdrew the money from their joint account, her son came to know about it, who asked the reason for withdrawing the huge amount, then she told him the entire ordeal. Police said that after this it was found that Sunita had become a victim of fraud. He told that the investigation has been started by registering a case against the unknown under related sections including fraud in Manesar Cyber ​​Crime Police Station. (with language input)


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