
Great news for the farmers, now they will have to do this work to avail the benefit of PSS on growing Moong, Urad and Groundnut…

Lucknow : Farmers growing moong, urad and groundnut will also get the benefit of PSS. The government will buy their crops under the price support scheme. Guidelines have been issued by the government regarding the implementation of Price Support Scheme (PSS) for the purchase of pulses (moong and urad) and oilseeds (groundnut) for the Kharif 2023-24 season in Uttar Pradesh. Additional Chief Secretary Agriculture This decision has been taken by Dr. Devesh Chaturvedi after a meeting with food grain purchasing agencies. The decision to purchase 3,240 MT of Moong and 2,96,400 MT of Urad and 27,148 MT of Groundnut under the Price Support Scheme (PSS) for the Kharif 2023-24 season in the state of Uttar Pradesh has been decided by the State Government. Are. The support price of groundnut has been fixed at Rs 6760 per quintal, the support price of urad has been fixed at Rs 6950 per quintal and the support price of moong has been fixed at Rs 8558 per quintal. From October 25, 2023, purchasing centers will be established in all those districts in the state where these crops are being produced well, so that purchases can be made easily from the farmers at their nearest place. The purchase period will be 90 days from the scheduled date. Procurement arrangements are being made by PCF, PCU and Mandi Parishad. NAFED has been designated nodal for the purchase of pulses and oilseeds. Payment will be made directly into the bank accounts of the farmers from whom pulses and oilseeds will be purchased, within 3 days of purchase.

Minister appreciated the increase in MSP of 6 Rabi crops

State Agriculture Minister Surya Pratap Shahi, on behalf of the Central Government, has expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on behalf of the farmers of the state and the state government for the historic increase in the MSP of 6 Rabi crops for the marketing season 2024-25. Shahi said that this decision of the Central Government will bring new prosperity in the lives of the farmers of Uttar Pradesh. The minister said that this will increase the income of farmers of Uttar Pradesh rapidly. It has been decided to increase the MSP of 6 crops by more than one and a half times the cost. The Central Government has increased the MSP of Rabi crops for the marketing season 2024-25, so as to ensure remunerative prices to the producing farmers for their produce. The highest increase in MSP is Rs 425 per quintal for pulses (lentils), Rs 200 for rapeseed-mustard. Per quintal has been approved. Wheat and safflower, Rs 150 each. The increase per quintal has been approved. Rs 115 for barley and gram respectively. Per quintal and Rs 105. The increase per quintal has been approved.

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