
Grah Dosh: Horoscope matching is necessary to prevent Thalassemia disease, know the reasons and astrological remedies

Grah Dosh: Horoscope matching is necessary before marriage to prevent the progression of Thalassemia disease, because the disease reaches children through mother and father. This disease is more in the tribal population of Punjab, West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, South Central West states. This disease is a blood disorder, it is also a genetic disorder. And this disease becomes serious when the child gets two mutation genes from both the parents. Symptoms of anemia occur, there is a problem in bones, bones become weak. There is delayed or retarded physical development. Excess of iron in the body, loss of appetite, spleen and liver remain enlarged. Can be controlled to some extent through nutritious food and exercise. Iron control is very important. let’s know Astrologer Dr. Prem Shankar Tripathi ,Pitambara Astrology Shakti Peeth Aliganj Lucknow) about the cause and astrological treatment of Thalassemia disease from…

Know the effect of planets

The planet Mars, which is the blood factor, but when there is the effect of Rahu or weak Moon, the effect of debilitated Saturn or the effect of debilitated Sun, then there is a disorder in the blood. To treat thalassemia, regular blood transfusion is required. Some patients have to undergo blood transfusion every 10 to 15 days. Generally the victim child dies at the age of 12 to 15 years. With the right treatment, they can live for more than 25 years. According to astrology, the names of the first house of the Ascendant Kundali are Atma, Shari, Hora, Deha, Kalpa, Murti, Anga, Udaya, Kendra, Kantak and Chatushtaya. From this sense, things like form, caste, age, happiness-sorrow, conscience, modesty, nature etc. are studied.

Learn about planets, zodiac signs and ascendant

Gemini, Virgo, Libra and Aquarius signs are considered strong in the Ascendant house. Similarly, the name of the sixth house is Apoklim, Upachaya, Trika, Ripu, Shatru, Kshata, Enemy, Disease, Hatred and Destruction and things like disease, enemy, worry, doubt, landlord, maternal uncle’s condition etc. are studied from this house. . Sun is the causative planet of the first house and Saturn and Mars are the causative planets of the sixth house. As it is clear that the first house is important in the determination of the body and in determining the physical formation, development and diseases, the Ascendant, the sign located in it, the position of the planets watching it have an important contribution. Apart from this, the position of Sun and Moon and the 6th, 8th and 12th house of the horoscope also play an important role regarding health. How and to which part of the zodiac sign and the planets related to it give pain.

Know the effect of horoscope matching

According to Jyotishacharya, the children who have Thalassemia problem, their mother’s Guna matching was not done properly at the time of marriage, either the Gana matching was not perfect or there was a contradiction in the Nakshatras of their Moon (Rashi). There is a Vedic sentence that the sin committed in the previous birth appears in the form of disease in this birth. It has been told in the scriptures that the sins committed in the previous births go as diseases, therefore, the lesser the sins, the lesser the diseases. This mortal body is created from these five elements fire, earth, water, sky and air. When any planet passes through the parts of sensitive zodiac signs while traveling, it harms them. Keeping in mind the effect of negative planets, you can make your future happy.

Know the position of zodiac signs

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius represent the fire element, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn the earth element, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius the air element and Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces the water element. In the horoscope of Kaal Purush, the place of Aries is the head, Taurus’s mouth, Gemini’s shoulder and chest and Cancer’s heart, while Leo’s abdomen, Virgo’s waist, Libra’s pelvis and Scorpio’s residence is the penis region. Sagittarius and Pisces reside on the skull and fingers.

Know diseases according to the planets sitting in the horoscope

These twelve zodiac signs are known as twelve houses. The cycle of body, wealth, brother, mother, son, debt-disease, wife, age, religion, karma, income and expenditure goes on in human life respectively through these expressions. In this, the part of the body represented by the sign, according to the effect of the planets sitting in the same sign, the disease originates. According to the planets sitting in the horoscope, we can get information about the disease of any person.

Learn important things

When any planet passes through the organs of sensitive zodiac signs while traveling, it harms those organs. As Saturn and Mars are moving in Leo sign these days, then this time cannot be called good from health point of view for the people born in Pisces ascendant, Capricorn and Virgo ascendant. Now Leo zodiac resides in the area of ​​heart, stomach (abdomen) in the horoscope of Kaalpurush, so people born in these Ascendants will remain at risk of heart attack and stomach related diseases.

Mars is the lord of blood in the body.

Mars is the lord of blood in the body. If it is afflicted by low zodiac signs, Saturn and other malefic planets, then the person suffers from diseases like blood disorders and cancer. If the moon is also with them, then women have the problem of menstruation, while the inauspicious effect of Mercury in the horoscope gives skin diseases. Blood and stomach related diseases, cancer, liver, gallbladder, fistula and boils are possible due to Mars. Generally Mars head, bone marrow, bile, hemoglobin, cells, end wall of the uterus, accidents, injuries, surgeries, burns, blood disorders, rupture of fibers, high blood pressure, fever. It causes excessive thirst, eye disorders, epilepsy, bone fracture, diseases of the uterus, childbirth and abortion, head injury, battle injury, etc.

People suffering from Mars must do this work

The lord of Aries is Mars. It is the factor of head or brain and its factors are Mars and Jupiter. Mars is exalted at 28 degrees in Capricorn and debilitated in Cancer. Mangal is heroic, warrior, bloody in nature and red in colour. Fire element and male dominated and is full of Kshatriya qualities. This amount has adverse effects on the brain, spinal cord and internal nerves of the body. If this sign is situated in the ascendant and Mars is debilitated or aspected by bad planets, then such a person will be a patient of high blood pressure.

Learn the solution

Will continue to face minor injuries for life. There is a complaint of chest pain and there is always a doubt in the mind of such a person that some poisonous animal may bite him. The result is that the self-confidence of such a person becomes weak and his physical strength becomes weak, which is unnecessarily the cause of various types of mental diseases. Those people who are afflicted by Mars, they should tie the root of Anantmool in a red cloth and wear it around their neck in a benefic choghadiya on any day.

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