
Government pressure on Twitter at the time of farmer’s movement? Anurag Thakur said, Jack Dorsey is lying

New Delhi : During the farmers’ movement in India, the central government has rejected the claim of government pressure on Twitter as false. The Central Government has termed as false the allegations of former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s social media platform facing government pressure and threats of closure during farmers’ protests in the country. In this matter, Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur said in his tweet on Tuesday that India is the world’s largest and transparent democracy. Whenever elections are near in India, some foreign forces and their agents here are active in a planned way to destabilize and defame the country. He claimed that Jack Dorsey is lying.

Anurag Thakur asked questions to Jack Dorsey

Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur questioned why till date he has not responded to the revelations made on his favoritism, manipulation and malfeasance regarding the Twitter files on Twitter’s acquisition? At the same time, Minister of State for Electronics and Information Technology Chandrashekhar, while rejecting Dorsey’s claims, tweeted that the Twitter administration at the time of Dorsey had difficulty in accepting the sovereignty of Indian law. He said that no one went to jail, nor was Twitter closed.

Threats were given for not obeying the government

Let us tell you that Jack Dorsey, co-founder and former CEO of Twitter, has alleged that the Indian government had put pressure on Twitter during the farmers’ demonstrations in the country and if the government did not agree, Twitter would be shut down in India, its employees would be fired. Threats were made to raid the houses. Chandrasekhar tweeted that Twitter was continuously and repeatedly violating Indian law during the time of Dorsey and his team. He repeatedly flouted the laws from 2020 to 2022 and only in June 2022 did he finally start compliance.

Twitter was not following Indian law at the time of Jack Dorsey

The Union Minister said that during the time of Jack Dorsey, Twitter had a problem in accepting the sovereignty of Indian law and used to behave as if the laws of India did not apply to it. He said that being a sovereign nation, India has the right to ensure that its laws are followed by all companies operating in India. Chandrashekhar said that during the demonstrations in January 2021, there was a lot of propaganda and even reports of massacre, which were definitely fake. He said that the government was bound to remove misinformation from this platform, as there was a possibility of worsening the situation based on fake news.

Twitter had trouble removing misinformation

Union Minister Chandrashekhar said that such was the level of partisanship on Twitter during Jack Dorsey’s time that he had difficulty in removing misinformation from the platform in India, while in the US he himself did so in several incidents. Chandrasekhar said that no one was raided and no one was sent to jail, while the entire focus was on compliance with Indian laws. He said that there is a lot of evidence of Twitter’s arbitrary, blatantly biased and discriminatory attitude during Jack’s time and the abuse of his rights on its platform during that period which is now public.

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